autocad very slow!!!

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by krusciolo, Feb 20, 2006.

  1. krusciolo

    krusciolo Guest

    Hello, excuse for my english..I'm italian
    I have this problem
    I have a fileserver Win XP Pro, motherboard MSI P4N SLI, 2 GB RAM, 2
    Seagate 250Gb in mirroring, Pentium 4 3Ghz. In this file server there
    is a share $D in which there are some configuration of autocad 2005
    such as plots, styles any user who use autocad installed on
    any client have the same this share there are also
    the files DWG used by the users. There are 5 clients on which are
    installed Win 2000 Pro, Autocad 2005, Norton AV Corporate. The employee
    log on to the client with local administrative privileges, start
    autocad, open a file on the share $D on the server Win XP Pro, and
    First Problem: when draw a line it takes from 2 to 4 seconds to view
    the line!!!
    Second problem: when I try to launch a preview it takes from 20 to 40
    seconds to preview!!! ...for files not so big..says..medium-small!!!

    Note that: the old server was a Win2000 Pro, with only one HD maxtor,
    with less RAM, with motherboard less performance...butthis problems
    dosent appears!!!
    Win Xp Firewall is disabled on to server and on to clients...

    I was monitoring the net...and there is a lot of nothing
    bottleneck over the net...

    I'm begin crazy for this problem...
    Can anyone help me??..Thanks a lot!!!
    krusciolo, Feb 20, 2006
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