AutoCAD trought VB is slower

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by alkimium, Jan 22, 2005.

  1. alkimium

    alkimium Guest

    First of all, please forgive me because of this question, i know it has been answered before, but i can't find it.

    First of all i had a VBA AutoCAD application, that takes, for example 5 seconds on doing a certain command. Then i translate this VBA to VB and i´ve noticed that the same process takes 10 times more, i know that this is due to the interface between AutoCAD and VB, but i've read that you can do something with a dll that results on the first situation, the same time as if i execute the application in VBA in AutoCAD.

    I don't know how does this work and how to write this dll, so any help would be greatly appreciated. Does anyone knows where there's an example of doing this?

    Thanks in advance

    alkimium, Jan 22, 2005
  2. Hi,

    When you first start your project in VB you are asked whether you want ot
    make an EXE file or an ActiveX DLL. Choose that and when you compile you
    will get a DLL which can be linked to VBA via the Tools References.



    Laurie Comerford
    Laurie Comerford, Jan 22, 2005
  3. alkimium

    alkimium Guest

    thanks!!.. I will try it
    alkimium, Jan 25, 2005
  4. Did it work?



    David M. Gardner
    Change the DOT to reply.
    David M. Gardner, Jan 27, 2005
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