Hello fellow cad gurus. I am an experienced cad manager and I want to share my collective cad knowledge with you. I have over 10 years exoperience using autocad every day. I want to create some sort of training product to help new users become more familiar and more efficient with Autocad. I was wondering if you can help me out by completing the following survey, I don't have anything to offer to you right now. I will give everyone who truthfully answers the following questions a beta copy or limited free trial of the final product. It just depends on what the final product is. 1. What are you looking for in an Autocad training product? 2. Have you ever purchased Autocad Training Materials before? 3. What did you think of the product? 4. What type of problems or frustrations are you having with Autocad training materials right now? 5. What are you looking for to solve your problems? 6. If I had a product to answer your problems, what type of materials would you like? A. videos B. audio C. Workbook D. ebook E. other/please explain Thank you for your time.