AutoCAD Training Survey

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by matcad, Jul 6, 2006.

  1. matcad

    matcad Guest

    Hello fellow cad gurus.

    I am an experienced cad manager and I want to share my collective cad
    knowledge with you. I have over 10 years exoperience using autocad
    every day.

    I want to create some sort of training product to help new users become
    more familiar and more efficient with Autocad.

    I was wondering if you can help me out by completing the following
    survey, I don't have anything to offer to you right now. I will give
    everyone who truthfully answers the following questions a beta copy or
    limited free trial of the final product. It just depends on what the
    final product is.

    1. What are you looking for in an Autocad training product?

    2. Have you ever purchased Autocad Training Materials before?

    3. What did you think of the product?

    4. What type of problems or frustrations are you having with Autocad
    training materials right now?

    5. What are you looking for to solve your problems?

    6. If I had a product to answer your problems, what type of materials
    would you like?
    A. videos
    B. audio
    C. Workbook
    D. ebook
    E. other/please explain

    Thank you for your time.
    matcad, Jul 6, 2006
  2. matcad

    Dr Fleau Guest

    Sounds good to me...
    The existing help files, with links to other relevant entries, is very
    helpful, at least to me.
    No. I'm a dabbler and learn by clicking on everything (usually more than
    once) and asking specific questions in newsgroups.
    Needed a little paprika.
    My problems always involve some system variable or another, attributes or
    Good old fashioned text. Those animated pointer-moves-by-itself thingies are
    nice, but are rarely useful after 2 weeks of operating the program. A few
    diagrams or screenshots are fine for me.
    -------------> D. ebook ---> Something I could pop in the CD player WHILE
    10-4 Rubber Duck. Negative persperation.
    Dr Fleau over and out.
    Dr Fleau, Jul 6, 2006
  3. matcad

    longshot Guest

    are you looking to train people or make a buck or both? I've been a cad
    manager for little longer than you & have seen many guys come & go.. there
    are a lot of different types of cad jobs & one training program isn't going
    to fit more than a few applications, if any. for me ACAD is mostly a layout
    tool. My drawings are raw & I don't follow many standards. I 'd bet my left
    nut no one could turnout sheetmetal parts from concept to installation any
    faster. most of the guys we hire are good "draftsman" meaning someone needs
    to tell them exactly what to put on the paper. virtually helpless to point
    to a part & say "here's a tape measure, make me a shop drawing".
    when I get stumped, I ask one of the others if they know or I come here...
    everyone does things differently, I have learned mostly on my own but also
    know I can always pick up a new trick here & there from others just by
    watching them for a bit.
    longshot, Jul 6, 2006
  4. matcad

    matcad Guest

    I'm looking to help people to improve their AutoCAD skills by theching
    them some tips/tricks/ techniques etc. I'm trying to get a feel of the
    type of help people need so I can create a product that people will
    actually use.
    matcad, Jul 6, 2006
  5. ..
    Start by getting rid of the ridiculous notion that they must learn 2D before
    graduating to 3D... when in fact most of us had to learn, the hard way, to
    convert our 3D real world into the artificial 2D orthographic drafting
    requirements. Had we been able to think in xyz coordinates on paper way back
    when the world would be years ahead of itself in innovation.

    When I sat down at my first CAD station, Computervision's CADDS 4X, it was
    like I had met God face to face. Insert line, insert circle, project entity!

    I'm still struggling with AUTOCAD 2000.... so anything you come up with
    should, I believe, emphasize 3D thinking and not scaling, and not automatic
    four place precision when converting to drafting mode for the shop. And
    always include an iso image!!!!
    Wayne Lundberg, Jul 6, 2006
  6. matcad

    Modat22 Guest

    Awful hard to make training materials for Acad unless its very job
    specific. Some places are "Get er done" and out the door production
    types while others are "Dot all the i's and cross all the tee's" at
    all costs.

    I'd recommend a short book with examples of you're techniques.
    Modat22, Jul 6, 2006
  7. matcad

    Dan Deckert Guest

    I 'd bet my left
    I'll take that bet and do it with a few Journeyman Union Sheetmetal hands I
    I'tll be faster, correct and FIT!!!!!!!!!!
    Furthermore, it can have 1 bend/breaks or 10 bends/breaks
    By the time the damn engineer gets out to the field, pulls measurements,
    gets back to the office, makes the .dwg, routes it out for approval, routes
    it to the vendor, a few guys I know would have the damn piece built &
    Essentially, <400$ instead of 6500$

    Realworld: Design a cricket for the following:
    A 1:12 pitch roof, 40' long intersecting a vertical wall at the eave. The
    vertical wall (also a 1:12 pitch) is 22' long and runs from zero elevation
    @ 1 end (eave of the 1:12 roof) to 3' at the other. The cricket needs to
    encompass (pass over the top of by 2" min.) the intersecting vertical wall
    from 0 elevation (eave of the 1:12 roof) to the 3' elevation. The cricket
    needs to maintain any slope 1:12~6:12~9:12~12:12 etc in so long as it
    extends to 45% (18') of the length (eave to peak/not peak to eave) of the
    40' 1:12 pitch roof.(No more/no less/plus~minus 1") and fully encompasses
    the 22' lf vertical wall from zero to 3' elevation. The cricket also needs
    to split in the center (11') to divert water down both sides. The cricket
    WILL NOT EXTEND past the 22lf of the vertical wall. The cricket WILL HAVE a
    2" lap at the peak incorporated into it and broke to fit for weathertight

    The pieces will be produced from 4'x10' 18 ga. galv. sheets as large as
    possible. Sheet breaks/laps are 2" min & can only be in the vertical plane.
    Underside framing is excluded from the design.

    The Journeyman Union Sheetmetal hand I hired worked this out in 40 minutes
    in the field & had the pieces made in 4 and a half hours by himself. No
    dwgs, no engineers & no shit! Pine Bluff Arsenal Chemical Burner, Pine Bluff
    I''ll send anyone a rough dwg. that wants to take a stab @
    it...................and I'll take your left nut in the process & I'm NOT
    paying the bill to get it. But I do have a razor knife I'll loan

    Dan Deckert, Jul 7, 2006
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