AutoCAD to PDF using Acrobat 6.0 Pro

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Jay Emery, Feb 5, 2004.

  1. Jay Emery

    Jay Emery Guest

    Got an A-Size drawing done in paper space. I have a pc3 assigned for A-Size
    drawings to this file. Plots fine on the laser

    When i try to create a PDF, the file that is made has the correct
    orientation (landscape), but the drawing geometry is position vertically and
    runs off the "paper". I swear i have tried every setting. Missing something.
    Any clue? Thanks
    Jay Emery, Feb 5, 2004
  2. I just wrote an article for Inside AutoCAD on creating PDF's using
    Acrobat and I covered this issue because I had the same problem as you.

    There's a portrait/landscape setting in the AutoCAD dialog. There's also
    one in the properties for the Acrobat driver. If you are using a PC3
    file, click the "Properties" button to go to the PC3 Editor for that PC3
    file. These are AutoCAD's properties for that driver. Now go to the
    "Custom Settings" section which gives you the properties for Adobe's
    driver settings. There's a Landscape/Portrait setting in there as well.

    To get a proper orientation, you need to you the proper combination of
    those two settings. I don't recall the proper settings right off the top
    of my head but there's only 4 possible combinations. One of them will
    give you what you are looking for.

    Darren J. Young
    CAD/CAM Systems Developer

    Cold Spring Granite Company
    202 South Third Avenue
    Cold Spring, Minnesota 56320

    Phone: (320) 685-5045
    Fax: (320) 685-5052
    Darren J. Young, Feb 5, 2004
  3. Jay Emery

    Jay Emery Guest

    didn't work, anything else come to mind?

    Jay Emery, Feb 5, 2004
  4. didn't work, anything else come to mind?

    I'll have to go back and check my process what I get a chance. I don't
    do this a lot so I don't exactly recall a lot of specifics. I though I
    had it nailed with what I already told you but apparently there's
    something I forgot.

    Darren J. Young
    CAD/CAM Systems Developer

    Cold Spring Granite Company
    202 South Third Avenue
    Cold Spring, Minnesota 56320

    Phone: (320) 685-5045
    Fax: (320) 685-5052
    Darren J. Young, Feb 5, 2004
  5. Jay Emery

    Jay Emery Guest

    Thanks Dean...
    Jay Emery, Feb 6, 2004
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