AutoCAD to PDF Conversion Appends Layout to File Name

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by pmind, Feb 14, 2008.

  1. pmind

    pmind Guest

    I submit the following for your consideration. I recently upgraded
    from AutoCAD 2005 to 2008. Using 2005 I was able to convert my .dwg
    files to .pdf and retain the same basic file name as the CAD drawing.
    Using 2008 the file name is now appended with "Model (1)", so if I
    start with "Drawing 1.dwg", I end up with "Drawing 1 Model (1).pdf". I
    currently have both versions of AutoCAD on my PC (Window XP Pro) and
    they will produce two different results when converting the same file.
    I am using Acrobat 3D 8.1.0. This same problem plagued me for years in
    previous versions of CAD and I thought it had finally been resolved.
    Also, when I first began using AutoCAD 2005, I was still using Acrobat
    6 Pro, again there were no problems with the file name, nothing was
    appended. I did not add any scripts or VBA routines to AutoCAD 2005,
    it simply worked fine. Does anyone know if there is a preference/
    switch either in AutoCAD or Acrobat to fix this problem? In previous
    years I had to edit each conversion by hand until AutoCAD 2005 "fixed"
    the problem, I'd rather not have to do that again. Any help would be
    appreciated, thanks.
    pmind, Feb 14, 2008
  2. pmind

    Mr. B Guest

    I too get that using PDF995 and AutoCAD 2008. What I do is to use a simple
    (and Free) file renamer which allows not only renaming common text of files...
    but also you can substiture "-Layout1" with blank text "".

    The application is called Flexible Renamer and the latest version is 7.3
    (which I've been using for about 2 years now on alot of different files):


    Mr. B, Feb 14, 2008
  3. pmind

    pmind Guest

    Thanks Bruce, I'll give it a try. It beats the alternative.
    pmind, Feb 14, 2008
  4. pmind

    strawberry Guest

    What happens if you rename the layout to "."?
    strawberry, Feb 14, 2008
  5. pmind

    Mr. B Guest

    I'm not sure if I follow...

    If you have a file:

    Drawing1 - Layout1.dwg

    .... in the Applicaiton you enter your Source Text (i.e. -Layout1)

    Then you enter your Target Text (i.e. ... nothing at all... or -NewLayout1...
    what ever).

    Hit the Go and the text is replaced.

    AND you can UNDO your mess (as long as you don't close the appication. Simple
    enough to try and see if it works for you.

    Mr. B, Feb 15, 2008
  6. pmind

    strawberry Guest

    I was addressing the OP. What happens if the OP renames the Autocad
    Layout tab to ".". It's just a guess, but maybe then the Layout name
    wouldn't get appended to the drawing title in the PDF, and thereby
    avoiding the whole subsequent renaming business.
    strawberry, Feb 15, 2008
  7. pmind

    pmind Guest

    I was addressing the OP. What happens if the OP renames the Autocad
    The complexity here is that I have about 15,000 total cad files that
    get updated at a rate
    of 20-50 per day. Buy the time I see the files they are write
    protected, it would be very
    difficult to change the Model tab (not the layout tab) to "." on each
    drawing. Granted one
    could take that approach in the template for new drawings, but it
    wouldn't help with our
    legacy drawings; although I'm not certain whether or not it would
    work. BTW, the software
    recommended by Bruce works very well. Thanks again, Paul.
    pmind, Feb 15, 2008
  8. pmind

    strawberry Guest

    I checked it out. Actually, I don't think you can change the Model
    Layout name, so my solution wouldn't work for this layout. It does
    however work for paperspace layouts - in case you ever get round to
    using them - so you could design it in to your templates in the
    future. The solution you've been provided with is probably the way to
    go - until Autocad finally allow the user to choose how to resolve
    this irritation. You could also look at M8 tools. I think they offer a
    solution of some kind.
    strawberry, Feb 15, 2008
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