AutoCAD Tip: TRIM & EXTEND Dimensions

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Tracy W. Lincoln, Dec 15, 2004.

  1. Tracy W. Lincoln, Dec 15, 2004
  2. <eyesshifting.mpg>


    ....draw a perpendicular line through an existing linear dimension and then
    trim the dimension using that line...

    Now draw two rectangles side by side with a gap in between them... dimension
    one of them on the top with a linear dimension... now use the EXTEND command
    and select both rectangles as boundaries...
    select the dimension on the side closer to the other rectangle... (note:
    using 2004 & 2005 a shift allows you to TRIM while in the EXTEND command and
    vice versa) now try TRIMmimg the other end while in the same command.

    Tracy W. Lincoln - TLConsulting
    Consulting, Design & Training Specialist
    Autodesk Discussion Group Facilitator

    "Tracy W. Lincoln" posted:
    Tracy W. Lincoln, Dec 19, 2004
  3. Tracy W. Lincoln

    gomez Guest

    now that interesting. i really like that. thanks
    gomez, Dec 20, 2004
  4. Tracy W. Lincoln

    Joshua Tapp Guest

    I discovered that as well in 2004, although I never thought to try it in any
    earlier version. Seemed handy, but I have yet to run across a time when I
    needed to trim/extend a dimension. Most of my dimension editing involves
    stretching along with the object it's dimensioning.

    Useful tip, and intriguing (be nice to see all the variations of it).
    Thanks, Tracy.
    Joshua Tapp, Dec 21, 2004
  5. I was just showing someone today who didn't really need the dimension, but
    wanted to check the spacing on a layout from a reference point (mainly all
    rectangles) ... one dimension, was trimming & extending it all over the
    place... the guy just sat there with his jaw open. <g>
    Tracy W. Lincoln, Dec 21, 2004
  6. Tracy W. Lincoln

    Craig Black Guest

    That is a great way to use it! Excellent!!

    Been demoing it since at least R10, but never had a use for it before!!

    Frankenstein never scared me,
    marsupials do...
    cuz they're faaaaast.......

    Craig Black, Jan 9, 2005
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