AutoCAD Tip: Text with Bounding Box

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by kentium2000, Dec 1, 2004.

  1. kentium2000

    kentium2000 Guest

    For Release 2005 only. A good way to have text with a box around it and have the box expand or contract with the size of the text string is to use Tables. Set up a style with only one row and column, no header or title. Insert the table and type away, the box will grow to the size needed, and since it is a table when you move it the box and text move together.
    kentium2000, Dec 1, 2004
  2. Good Tip...

    Another way to do this (in R14-2004) is with the TOLERANCE command and use
    the Datum Indentifier... this only allows one line of text and is at the
    text height defined by the dimension style and dimscale factor.
    Tracy W. Lincoln, Dec 2, 2004
  3. kentium2000

    doug k Guest

    hey, i like that. i'm also making one into a block that can be inserted
    (and then edited) into drawings that don't have that table style defined.
    doug k, Dec 2, 2004
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