AutoCAD Tip: Tangent lines and currves.

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Allen Jessup, Nov 18, 2004.

  1. Allen Jessup

    Allen Jessup Guest

    One ability that AutoCAD has had from it's inception is the ability to draw
    consecutive tangent lines and curves. By consecutive I mean that the
    entities must be drawn one after the other.

    To draw a curve tangent to a line. First draw the line. Then start the arc
    command. When asked to Specify the start point of the arc hit Enter. You
    will now be drawing an arc tangent to the line. You can drag it out, enter a
    chord distance that will be applied in the direction you are dragging or
    enter an angle override - <90 and then type in the chord distance.
    unfortunately the angle override is an absolute angle and not in relation to
    the line.

    To draw a line tangent to a curve reverse the process. First draw the arc.
    Then start the line command. When asked to specify the first point hit
    Enter. Then drag or type in a distance.

    This also works when drawing 2 curves. Reverse or compound.

    The above scenarios take advantage of the fact that when asked for the first
    point on an entity hitting Enter will grab the endpoint of the last entity

    Allen Jessup
    Rockland County Highway Dept.
    New City, NY
    IBM IntelliStation - 3.2 GHz. - 3GB RAM
    NVidia Quardro FX 3000 w/256MB RAM
    Land Desktop 2005
    Allen Jessup, Nov 18, 2004
  2. Allen,

    Thank you, for awhile there I thought nobody else had any tips or tricks to
    Tracy W. Lincoln, Nov 19, 2004
  3. Another option is to use a pline and switch between arcs and lines by
    pressing L or A when prompted for <next point>
    Casey Roberts, Nov 24, 2004
  4. Allen Jessup

    Allen Jessup Guest

    Works for going from line segment to arcs but not for going from arcs to
    lines. Also you will have to explode the PLine if you need to create lines.

    Allen Jessup, Nov 24, 2004
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