AutoCAD TIP: Continuous Pan

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Tracy W. Lincoln, Nov 22, 2004.


    Continuous Pan
    Published date: 2003-03-08
    ID: TP00083

    Applies to:
    AutoCAD® 2005
    AutoCAD® 2004

    With AutoCAD® 2004, under the Microsoft® Windows® XP operating system, you
    can pan past the edge of the display. Use the Real-time Pan command or your
    mouse wheel to pan without limits!

    Tip submitted by: Heidi Hewett

    My additional comment:

    If you hold down the middle button (scroll wheel) you can use real-time
    panning... if you keep the wheel down, you can go past the edge of the
    screen AND also pick up the mouse, place back down and continue panning.

    Tracy W. Lincoln, TLConsulting
    Consulting, Design & Training Specialist
    Autodesk Discussion Group Facilitator
    Group(s) Index:
    Product Support:
    Tracy W. Lincoln, Nov 22, 2004
  2. Tracy W. Lincoln

    Leon Guest

    I think the tips you post are a great help for many. But,,,,, Some of the
    tips, and this tip seem rather basic, something that you should perhaps
    already know as this tip submitted by Heidi Hewitt seems to be rather basic.
    This tip in fact is found in the 2004 version under the Help menu, New
    Features Workshop, Drafting and Productivity Tools, Customer requests, Pan
    and Zoom. Does Heidi Hewitt work for AutoDesk? If so I can understand the
    tip as being a sell tactic for the software but I certainly hope that the
    pro's using AutoCAD are way way beyond some of these basic commands. I
    myself have had formal training back when you still used a pencil and paper.
    I have had absolutely no training with AutoCAD LT or any other CAD program.
    Seems to me that the tips may be aimed at beginners, no?
    Anyway my point being, ;~) I was under the impression that I would learn
    some thing from "ALL" the tips. Most the tips however are already
    documented in the Help menu or the printed material that comes with the
    Leon, Nov 22, 2004
  3. Tracy W. Lincoln

    Dave Byrnes Guest

    And no matter how many times I tell them... it works in Windows 2000 too!
    Dave Byrnes, Nov 22, 2004
  4. Tracy W. Lincoln

    Huw Guest

    What's the exact sequence of commands to get this working in Windows 2000? I've never been able to achieve it.
    Huw, Nov 22, 2004
  5. Thanks Dave, I haven't had the distinct pleasure (or not <g>) of running
    AutoCAD 2004 or 2005 on Windows 2000... but other who do, will benefit from
    your most helpful post/reply.
    Tracy W. Lincoln, Nov 22, 2004
  6. Tracy W. Lincoln

    Dave Byrnes Guest

    Huw - it only works for object selection in Win2000, and only if you press
    and drag to select. But it does work!

    I haven't spent quite enough time with XP to see how or if it's different.
    Dave Byrnes / Vancouver, BC
    Autodesk Discussion Group Facilitator

    message What's the exact sequence of commands to get this working in Windows 2000?
    I've never been able to achieve it.
    Dave Byrnes, Nov 22, 2004
  7. Tracy W. Lincoln

    Dave Jones Guest

    message What's the exact sequence of commands to get this working in Windows 2000?
    I've never been able to achieve it.

    Press down scroll wheel

    this with a Logitech multibutton mouse with scroll wheel set to AutoScroll.

    has worked for me in every version of Acad since 2000 using Win2000. I've
    recently switched to XP with 2005 without any difference in scroll wheel
    Dave Jones, Nov 22, 2004
  8. Tracy W. Lincoln

    Huw Guest

    What's the exact sequence of commands to get this working in Windows
    Hmmmm doesn't work with a Microsoft mouse. I'm on my second Microsoft mouse, and have tried it with both Acad 2000 & 2004. with no luck. Must be your drivers.
    Huw, Nov 22, 2004
  9. Tracy W. Lincoln

    Huw Guest

    Well it does autoscroll, but the selection made at the end of it does not include anything that scrolled off out of the window, for me at least.
    Huw, Nov 22, 2004
  10. Tracy W. Lincoln

    Dave Byrnes Guest

    Huw - works with my Microsoft Notebook Optical Mouse.
    Dave Byrnes / Vancouver, BC
    Autodesk Discussion Group Facilitator

    Hmmmm doesn't work with a Microsoft mouse. I'm on my second Microsoft mouse,
    and have tried it with both Acad 2000 & 2004. with no luck. Must be your
    Dave Byrnes, Nov 22, 2004
  11. Tracy W. Lincoln

    Dave Jones Guest

    sometimes I need to do a Regen All first to make it work
    message Well it does autoscroll, but the selection made at the end of it does not
    include anything that scrolled off out of the window, for me at least.
    Dave Jones, Nov 22, 2004
  12. Dito here.

    W. Kirk Crawford
    Rochester Hills, Michigan
    W. Kirk Crawford, Nov 22, 2004
  13. Micorsoft Mouse at work worked. Corporate Load.

    W. Kirk Crawford
    Rochester Hills, Michigan
    W. Kirk Crawford, Nov 22, 2004
  14. Tracy W. Lincoln

    Leon Guest

    Hmmmm doesn't work with a Microsoft mouse. I'm on my second Microsoft mouse,
    and have tried it with both Acad 2000 & 2004. with no luck. Must be your

    Works with AutoCAD 2004LT, Microsoft Track Ball Optical on Win XP.
    Leon, Nov 22, 2004
  15. Tracy W. Lincoln

    Huw Guest

    Still no luck
    Huw, Nov 23, 2004
  16. Tracy W. Lincoln

    Huw Guest

    I give up - I must be the reason Autodesk say it doesn't work.

    Moving to XP soon anyway.
    Huw, Nov 23, 2004
  17. Tracy W. Lincoln

    Bill DeShawn Guest

    Anybody ever tried panning with the CTRL key pressed? It's trippy.
    Bill DeShawn, Dec 4, 2004
  18. Kinda LT-like... yowser! <g>
    Tracy W. Lincoln, Dec 4, 2004
  19. Tracy W. Lincoln

    Huw Guest

    Cool, thanks - THAT works on Win2000. It's like Microsation.
    Huw, Dec 6, 2004
  20. Tracy W. Lincoln

    Matt Guest

    That's normal. Depends on limit sizes. Pan up,down and to the right and
    eventually you will get that same message (uppermost, downmost and

    Matt, Dec 29, 2004
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