AutoCad Tab&Texing

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by nanostrang, Dec 3, 2007.

  1. nanostrang

    nanostrang Guest

    As I tab each box is blue'd so that the entire previous text changes
    to what I type. Somtimes thats perfect, but is there a key i can use
    rather than mousing to the blue'd area and clicking then changing just
    a small part of the existing text.. I downloaded mouse away and this
    is really great at moving my curser automaticyl out of my texing area,
    but i need to be able to tab then?? to arrow over then delete or back
    space to change small amounts rather than mousing and getting away
    from the key board.

    Any help is appriciated,
    nanostrang, Dec 3, 2007
  2. nanostrang

    nanostrang Guest

    Any one wanting the answer, is just use the arrow keys in the blued
    nanostrang, Dec 3, 2007
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