AutoCAD Resource

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Craig, Nov 9, 2004.

  1. Craig

    Craig Guest

    Who is ResourceCAD International and what are they all about?

    In its simplest form, ResourceCAD International is an alliance of CAD
    programmers and CAD users. It could also be called a Collective, a
    Coalition, a Quorum or a Society.

    In essence, we are a group of like-minded individuals who have formed an
    alliance after finding a common bond. Over a period of several years
    communicating with each other regularly through several CAD forums, we found
    ourselves naturally migrating to the same areas and eventually formed our
    own web site. The web site was originally intended to have three functions:
    a repository for us to share code and ideas, a means to expand each other's
    knowledge and experience, and to communicate that knowledge to others while
    improving our own skills (and solve the occasional problem).

    If you have a CAD related problem, we have the resources to find your

    Come visit us and sign free for our free downloads or sign up free in our
    web forum. We offer help in programming and if you have a wishlist for lisp
    programs there is a forum for that as well. Stop by and say hi!

    Web Forum:

    Best Regards
    Craig, Nov 9, 2004
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