Autocad not using 3D hardware acceleration

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by R, Oct 5, 2005.

  1. R

    R Guest


    I am having an odd problem: even though I enabled hardware acceleration in
    the options dialog (selecting wopengl8.hdi, the only available choice), 3D
    redraws are still painfully slow (exactly same speed as without enabling
    It's just like AutoCAD is ignoring the setting.
    My configuration is as follows : HP workstation with NVidia Quatro FX 1300
    (128 MB graphics memory), AutoCAD 2005 full. I am running Windows XP SP2,
    and the latest certified drivers for the video card.
    I must be missing something, but what ???
    Help !

    Thanks in advance,

    R, Oct 5, 2005
  2. you have mentioned it already, AC which is mainly a 2D CAD doesn't use
    OpenGL 3D acceleration besides the spaceball and thus your Quadro
    isn't of any use.. a cheap GeForce shows the same performance.
    use a real 3D CAD as e.g. SWX etc.

    Norbert Grund, Oct 6, 2005
  3. R

    R Guest

    Hm that's fair enough. The thing is, it's not even using 3D acceleration
    where it's supposed to.

    R, Oct 8, 2005
  4. Is ADSK claiming any 3D accelearation (besides the spacball) for
    displaying 3D elements in AC?

    I doubt this.

    use a 3D application.

    Norbert Grund, Oct 9, 2005
  5. R

    keithknow Guest

    Selecting wopengl8.hdi is not enhancing AutoCAD capabilities. Being
    able to select a driver from a video card is.

    Just a note.
    keithknow, Oct 13, 2005
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