Autocad Mech and object reactors?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by hutch, Jan 28, 2005.

  1. hutch

    hutch Guest

    any idea if Autocad Mech plants persistant reactors into a drawing?
    I have an application I am writting for someone that uses Autocad mechanical.
    Problem is that the app deals with changing to another text style which my app creates. The new textstyle is assigned a 0 textsize and my application sets the TEXTSIZE setvar before writting Mtext and regular text to the drawing.
    However, on my machine (no AutoCAD Mech) the application runs without a hitch - even though I do get a proxy warning when I open his drawing. But when my app runs on his machine (with AutoCAD mech) my app doesn't seem to control the text size.
    I have checked an rechecked the new style created in my application and it is indeed set with 0 textsize.
    I am suspecting that somehow AutoCAD mech (and possibly a reactor embeded into the drawing by AMAcad) is intercepting my code and somehow causing it not to honor the textsize specified. I am dealing with this over the phone and can't first hand see how it is acting.
    ???? Help.
    hutch, Jan 28, 2005
  2. hutch

    James Buzbee Guest

    I don't know about Mech but here is what I know about Architectural
    Desktop - there may be similarities.

    Architectural Desktop has it's own set of variables for controlling
    annotation IT creates. There are several tools for creating text, leaders,
    tags, dims etc that are above and beyond vanilla AutoCAD objects like MTEXT,
    LEADERS, and DIMENSIONS. These variables are stored in a dictionary called
    AECVars and completely ignore vanilla AutoCAD variables.

    You might want to ask your end user if he's using the MTEXT command, which
    in the my case isn't affected by ADT, or if he's using a tool defined by
    Mech Desktop. If this is the case and you want your app to intigrate with
    Mech. Desktop then you'll have to look into controlling these variables
    (dictionary xrecords) as well.

    Just a thought.

    James Buzbee, Jan 28, 2005
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