AutoCAD loading "JUNK"

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by ClarkFillinger, Mar 8, 2005.

  1. When I open or insert some drawings, I see this:

    Loading AEC Base...
    Loading AEC Project Base...
    Loading AEC Schedule Data...
    Loading AEC Architectural Base...
    Loading ABS Base...
    Loading Modeler DLLs.

    I am running straight AutoCAD. The drawing I'm opening is a 2D detail, not generated in ADT or ABS. So, why is it loading all this junk? It takes forever (relatively speaking, of course!).

    Can this info be "purged"? Is it tied to certain objects? Can I find out which objects? We know it has come from either ADT OR LDT just need a way to remove from files.

    ClarkFillinger, Mar 8, 2005
  2. You inserted drawing data from a drawing created by the AEC package at one
    Even though you erase the drawing objects, the dictionaries still hang
    Superpurge (from will remove most of them (if you do a "hard"

    generated in ADT or ABS. So, why is it loading all this junk? It takes
    forever (relatively speaking, of course!).
    which objects? We know it has come from either ADT OR LDT just need a way to
    remove from files.
    Allen Johnson, Mar 8, 2005
  3. Already tried SuperPurge and it is not catching them. It spreads like a weed too. If you have a file open w/o this stuff loading, but then open one w/it then save the first it now has it too.
    ClarkFillinger, Mar 8, 2005
  4. If you can email me the drawing, I can take a look
    at it (you can email me by clicking on the mail box
    on the page at the URL below).

    There may be dictionaries in the drawing representing
    styles used by ADT or another vertical, and they can
    contain custom objects that load when the drawing is
    Tony Tanzillo, Mar 8, 2005
  5. Sent you a copy of a file along w/ issues. Thanks for taking a look at it. I will say spreads like a weed.
    ClarkFillinger, Mar 8, 2005
  6. ClarkFillinger

    Doug Broad Guest


    When ADT adds an object to a drawing, it also adds dictionaries. Even if visible ADT objects,
    no longer exist, the ADT object enablers in your version of ACAD will attempt to load the modules
    that allow ADT to operate if they detect these dictionaries.

    You can stop this autoloading behavior by using the options command. On the "open and save"
    tab, under the ObjectARX Applications group, under Demand load ObjectARX apps, change
    the setting from "Object detect and command invoke" to "command invoke" or "disable" and you
    will no longer have to wait for the modules to load.

    Nothing bad happens when these modules load other than the wait.

    You may be able to purge these dictionaries by using the ExportToAutoCAD command or
    AECobjExplode command and then qsave and quit and reload AutoCAD. Once the modules
    are loaded, they may add ADT dictionaries to other drawings open in the session (I'm not sure).

    For my copy of ADT2005, I couldn't stop the enablers from loading until I moved all
    the AEC programs from the ACAD directory and from the shared directory.

    Doug Broad, Mar 8, 2005
  7. Doug,

    Thanks for the post. I will say from experience now that once these load and you open and save other files they do then have the same issue. Sure spreads like a weed. I think AutoDesk needs to address this and have tools to address these issues. If I have ABS installed on my system but not using could it have started this in a file?
    ClarkFillinger, Mar 9, 2005
  8. ClarkFillinger

    Doug Broad Guest

    Yes. If you have ABS2005 (I presume its similar to ADT2005), then several plain AutoCAD
    commands will trigger the ADT/ABS module loads. One of the most common commands
    is the layer command. ADT loads its layer manager whenever layer is used. ADT also loads
    you click on the extended ... tab of the properties window. Once loaded, it adds its
    dictionaries and
    starts controlling the drawing scale on every open drawing. This drove me crazy because I
    had my
    own system of scale management that I was comfortable with. The extra 30 seconds of
    loading also
    grated on me like sandpaper.

    I ended up, as I said before, moving every AEC code module to an ADT subdirectory. Since
    couldn't find the modules, it couldn't load them. This solution requires a pretty mature
    understanding of
    ACAD and is not for everyone because it may affect any previous versions on the computer
    and requires that profiles be changed.

    If you use ABS alot, then don't worry about the dictiories. Just use ABS' system of scale
    management and enjoy all the extra commands and perks of using the vertical. The little
    bit of extra loading time isn't a big deal once you appreciate the extra's its giving you.
    The AECmodify tools alone are worth the wait.

    and save other files they do then have the same issue. Sure spreads like a weed. I think
    AutoDesk needs to address this and have tools to address these issues. If I have ABS
    installed on my system but not using could it have started this in a file?
    Doug Broad, Mar 9, 2005
  9. I will say changing to command invoked helped w/ loading isues. It is very frustrating that we have not used ADT or ABS but have this stuff in our files. They are installed on a few of our systems since we have been testing, but done no work w/ them. All of a sudden we had these poping up in our symbols libraries. Very frustrating.

    Thanks for your help.
    ClarkFillinger, Mar 9, 2005
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