Autocad licensing issue

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by paafadmin, Sep 22, 2004.

  1. paafadmin

    paafadmin Guest

    We are using Autocad 2000i purchased from an authorized Autocad dealer (Al-saraf co.) in Kuwait.

    The Autocad software is wokring for one month and then it starts asking for auhtorization code. So we register again with Autodesk website and get the activation code through email and using the Autocad.

    This problem happens every month. We need a permanent activation code for the Autocad software to work continuously without any licensing issue.

    Our Autocad product
    serial number :700-50113158

    Request code : 3659 4873 7436 1144 ( sent on 21.9.2004 to Autodesk co.)

    So kindly help us in solving this issue and any help from you will be appreciated and will be really helpful to us.

    Best regards

    paafadmin, Sep 22, 2004
  2. paafadmin

    Cy Shuster Guest

    Is there any error code received along with the new request code, such as
    error [52] or [4]? Can you post the contents of any .err files in the
    AutoCAD directory (e.g. adlm.err)? What OS is used?

    Does your license have an expiration date, or does it never expire? If the
    former, then possibly your problem comes from the PC's system date being
    changed to an earlier date.

    Otherwise, it appears that it's most likely that the license files are being
    modified or deleted, possibly through the restore of a partition image of
    your boot disk. For 2000i, the license files are stored in the hidden
    folder "C:\C_DILLA". Deleting these files -- whether explicitly, or by
    restoring a partition image that doesn't contain them -- will cause the
    symptom you see.

    By examining what changes are made to the PC between the last time that
    AutoCAD was launched correctly, and when you first see the problem, you'll
    be able to narrow down the cause.

    Cy Shuster, Sep 22, 2004
  3. Did you really purchase 2000i one month ago???
    Did you know that support for that version will be discontinued next January

    the 700- serial number doesn't sound like a regular AutoCAD 2000i serial
    What's the product number ??
    Jorge Jimenez, Sep 23, 2004
  4. Jorge,

    Paafadmin is talking about a non-network version. I understand that the
    activation code he gets only works for a month, and then he gets a message
    asking for a new activation. I know that kind of problem, one of my customer
    was hit this way. We tried every possible solution, even reformatted the
    drive and reinstalled eveything. Nothing worked. We had to bring the
    customer to networked AutoCAD.

    When the activation systems goes wrong, it goes badly wrong...

    Gilles Plante, Sep 29, 2004
  5. paafadmin

    Cy Shuster Guest

    If you have that problem again, please document the error code that appears
    with the new request code. It indicates what changed on the system to
    trigger the reauthorization, such as replacing the license file with an
    earlier version (perhaps during a restore of a partition image), changing
    the hardware configuration (boot disks), or possibly even changing the
    system date (if the license has an expiration date).

    Cy Shuster, Sep 29, 2004
  6. Gilles, I'm quite aware of Paafadmin's version.
    We have had our share of 2000i license problems
    Most went away after applying the RTS service packs
    On occasions, when the system hits a fatal error or hangs up
    we still get those license errors.

    But every month ?? No way this is normal.

    And that 700- serial number, is that a normal serial for an ACAD 2000i ??
    Maybe for Kuwait or the middle east only??
    Jorge Jimenez, Sep 30, 2004
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