autocad is very slow on open files in windows xp.. isn't it?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Gentile Antonio, Feb 5, 2005.

  1. It's a very big problem... I don't know what I have to do!

    Help me!!!! thx
    Gentile Antonio, Feb 5, 2005
  2. Gentile Antonio

    Paul Turvill Guest

    Normally, it isn't. But it depends a lot on your system specs, since both
    XP and AutoCAD are resource hogs. What release of AutoCAD? Which XP Service
    Pack? What CPU? How much RAM? Lots of H/D space? What other applications
    are running when you start AutoCAD (i.e., virus checkers, various other
    utilities)? Just can't offer much in the way of advice if you don't tell us
    some details about your system.
    Paul Turvill, Feb 6, 2005
  3. Gentile Antonio

    Sporkman Guest

    It should NOT be a problem unless you have very little RAM or very
    little space left on your hard drive, or unless your hard drive is very
    badly fragmented (which should not happen normally with XP). This
    sounds rather much like a system configuration problem rather than a
    problem with AutoCAD (although it could be a bad install of AutoCAD).
    Do a Web search on the terms "optimizing" OR "optimization" AND "memory"
    AND "XP". If you have only 128Mb of RAM or less, you MIGHT suspect a
    problem with not having enough. Solution, obviously, is to add some.
    Before you spend money see if you can borrow some of the same type from
    another machine and see if that helps matters. The pagefile size and/or
    type can be another problem. Change your pagefile type from "dynamic"
    to "static" and give it at least 512Mb. 1Gb or more is better if you
    have the hard drive space -- but don't exceed 2Gb unless you use the
    /3Gb switch in your startup BOOT.INI file (and don't try that unless
    you've thoroughly researched what can go wrong or unless you're running
    XP SP2.0). BEFORE you add size to your pagefile be sure to defragment
    your hard drive.

    Mark 'Sporky' Stapleton
    Sporkman, Feb 6, 2005
  4. Gentile Antonio

    Main Guest

    I'm running a P4 2.GHz & 768 Mb of RAM, now I moved from Acad 2004 to
    Inventor 9, which includes ACAD 2005, and I've noticed that BOTH versions,
    2004/5 of AutoCAD are now slow in loading

    I also noticed that in the start-up menu item, there is file called "AutoCAD
    Start-up Accelerator" I have stopped this from being loading at start-up
    and there some speed up but not a lot.

    It may be that this is taking up memory recourse and slowing you loading
    time or another TSR program such as a virus scanner, spam filter software

    So to AutoDesk the question is why is this file automatically loaded at
    start-up and what dose it do and what use is it?
    Main, Feb 10, 2005
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