Autocad in the background

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by blammo, Jan 12, 2004.

  1. blammo

    blammo Guest


    Can AutoCAD be run in the background anymore, from the commandline, no
    User GUI? Like it used to be in DOS or on UNIX. Are the Commandline
    options still available?

    blammo, Jan 12, 2004
  2. blammo

    Tom Hanley Guest

    I assume you are talking about running a script in the background? most but
    not all commands have comandline versions. if you are looking to run scripts
    on a bunch of files check out scriptpro for doing that. It's in the
    migration directory of the CD.
    Tom Hanley, Jan 12, 2004
  3. blammo

    blammo Guest

    I don't think we're talking about the same thing. I mean to start the
    AutoCAD session from the DOS commandline. This used to be possible, one
    could also set flags for starting Autocad, I'm wondering if they are
    still available.

    While searching some more (in the help files) I found the subject of
    Commandline switches for starting autocad.

    from the HELP:

    To start AutoCAD with a command line switch

    Right-click the AutoCAD icon on the Windows Desktop. Then choose
    In the AutoCAD Properties dialog box, choose the Shortcut tab.
    In the Target box, edit the parameters for the switch using the
    following syntax:
    "drive:pathname\acad.exe" ["drawing name"] [/switch "name"]

    Valid switches:

    /b Script name (b stands for batch process)

    /t Template file name

    /c Configuration folder

    /v View name

    /s Support folders

    /r Default system pointing device

    /nologo No AutoCAD logo screen

    /p User-defined registry profile

    For example, enter "d:\AutoCAD 2002\acad.exe" /t "d:\AutoCAD
    2002\template\arch1" /v "plan1" /b "startup"

    Choose OK.

    I think I'm remembering the unix version of AutoCAD being ablew to run
    in the background. I actually had it running as a CGI behind a
    webserver with R12/R13 on solaris :c)

    Still looking.

    blammo, Jan 13, 2004
  4. The DOS version of AutoCAD never ran without the
    GUI, but did have the bozo screen which you could
    plot from, or enter the drawing editor.

    The Windows version of AutoCAD cannot do this.

    What is it you're trying to do?
    Tony Tanzillo, Jan 13, 2004
  5. blammo

    blammo Guest

    A long time ago in a galexy far far away . . . .

    I ran AutoCAD as a Image generator behind a Web server. After clearing
    my head, I recalled that it was my UNIX version that I had done this
    with. The process could be run transparently by sending the display to
    a video framebuffer (Don't know if I said that right) that was
    imaginary. I was actually doing some Web requests that generated an
    image (GIF) by running AutoCAD with a script that was created on solaris.

    I just had the thought occur to me while I was trying to increase the
    speed of a batch process that I've been building to run in AutoCAD that
    spawning a seperate instance of autoCAD in the background to run the
    BATCH would speed it up considerably. A Commandline switch would be an
    interesting way to add in the capability. Although, I don't think this
    is likely to happen, since then any old person would be able to do as I
    describe and not need mapguide for example.


    blammo, Jan 13, 2004
  6. blammo

    blammo Guest

    Imagine, a image web server with a AutoLISP scripting engine. Cool . . .

    blammo, Jan 13, 2004
  7. I didn't know they had web servers (or browsers
    for that matter) back then :)

    FWIW, batch processes involving SCRIPTS (e.g., the
    "ScriptPro" way of doing things) is an order of
    magnitude slower than doing things in ObjectDBX,
    which does not even require the drawings to be
    opened in the drawing editor.
    Tony Tanzillo, Jan 14, 2004
  8. blammo

    Doug Broad Guest

    Go to the website and enter "background process" in the search.
    Choose "Modifying Process Startup Options" and see if that is what you are
    looking for. There is something called Win32_Process. I'm not sure it works
    with XP.

    It *might* be possible to run AutoCAD in a hidden window. (I haven't tried it).
    Since AutoCAD likes to spawn its own text window from time to time, it
    may not be an optimum solution for what you want. Is AutoCAD still
    ported to Unix or Linux?

    I agree with Tony about objectdbx being the scripting approach that you
    Doug Broad, Jan 14, 2004
  9. blammo

    blammo Guest

    I remember once upon a time that a person could script in windows the
    same way. Turning of the windows text top for example sure did make a
    script run really really fast. I did this with RSH a few times. it
    just seems like such a backwards way of making things work, that I
    abandoned the idea as a web service.

    Why for instance should the windows desktop need to run on a windows
    server for example?

    blammo, Jan 16, 2004
  10. blammo

    blammo Guest

    Come on now it wasn't that long ago. Did I mention that C3P0 helped
    some. :c)

    I may end up using some of the tools you describe once I get the scripts
    as leaned out as possible.
    blammo, Jan 16, 2004
  11. blammo

    blammo Guest

    No, but I still have a solaris box that is running R13.
    Yeah, that's probably right, but I remembered doing it at one time, just
    wondering if it was still possible. I have a bunch of other tools that
    are scriptable that would handle the task as well. I use FME for
    example. but it does have it's limitations.

    thanks for the help

    blammo, Jan 16, 2004
  12. I think the problem is that we're thinking in terms
    of single-tasking operating systems. The concept of
    a 'background' process in Win32 is a bit different.

    In fact, every application that's running, except
    the one that's in the foreground with input focus,
    is running in the 'background'.

    So, I think your question is more one of whether
    you can run AutoCAD without seeing the window on
    the desktop?
    Tony Tanzillo, Jan 16, 2004
  13. blammo

    blammo Guest

    At the time the process of painting up the GUI for viewing was the big
    time constraint. Using a null video pointer sped things up, it didn't
    change the way AutoCAD worked, but allowed the painting process to be
    done much quicker with the imaginary video screen.

    blammo, Jan 16, 2004
  14. blammo

    blammo Guest

    Tony Tanzillo wrote:

    Dumping the whole GUI write out process would be very useful for batch
    processing if used as a AutoCad startup flag. Similar to the old Text
    screen chooser for older versions of AutoCAD.

    blammo, Jan 16, 2004
  15. blammo

    Doug Broad Guest

    Objectdbx has no graphics refresh or need for the
    GUI. It is therefore faster if your intent is to
    generate or modify drawings without user intervention.

    "blammo" wrote in message news:40080793$3_1@statler...
    Doug Broad, Jan 16, 2004
  16. blammo

    blammo Guest

    I'm actaully just trying to plot a portion of a DWG out in an automated

    The old Plot option was the way I used to do it. But as Tony points
    out, that option is no loger available.

    blammo, Jan 16, 2004
  17. blammo

    BTO Guest


    this is not exactely what you are looking for but may be with same goal :
    I use a .BAT to get 2 process : one to work and one for batch process on
    many files :

    start /BELOWNORMAL acad.exe

    and i start 2 AutoCAD Process

    so, batch process works fine and i can do something else (or use second
    AutoCAD process)

    notice : this is not necessary with windows xp and hyperthreading.

    Bruno Toniutti
    (sorry for my english level)
    BTO, Feb 10, 2004
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