Autocad Fraud at SW World 2006?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by SoCalMike, Jan 22, 2006.

  1. SoCalMike

    SoCalMike Guest

    Upon arriving at my hotel tonight (sat) for the 2006 SW World, I
    noticed a stage set-up located behind the Imperial Palace. Plastered
    infront of the Imperial Palace are numerous posters stating: "The
    Perfectly Engineered Surf Party for Solidworks Users".

    So I took a walk out to the stage site to see why I hadnt heard about
    this event sooner. As I walked up to the fenced off area, there were
    stage hands still setting up the stage, and they were hanging posters
    inside the fenced in area that read: "Autodesk Inventor, the best
    software for Autocad Users".

    Now I find it very hard to believe that this is a sanctioned event by
    Solidworks, and I hope not to many people are duped by the posters.

    So sad to see a company that was once so big, resort to such low
    tactics. I guess this is a sign of Autodesks last gasp for air.
    SoCalMike, Jan 22, 2006
  2. SoCalMike

    ken Guest

    I had heard something of a similar tactic attempted at the last SWW.

    ken, Jan 22, 2006
  3. SoCalMike

    TOP Guest

    Post some pictures.
    TOP, Jan 22, 2006
  4. SoCalMike

    cadalyzer Guest

    Autodesk has Karl Rove on retainer.
    cadalyzer, Jan 22, 2006
  5. SoCalMike

    Cliff Guest

    Cliff, Jan 22, 2006
  6. SoCalMike

    jon_banquer Guest

    Let the truth be known:

    Cliffy and I took this job for Autodesk. It's the only way Cliffy can
    get work as has not been employable since the 50's.

    Sometimes I feel really bad for Cliffy so I went along with it. I even
    went along with his tin foil beanie idea to keep the SaladWorks and the
    Preventor crap from numbing our brains. Doubt it will work but Cliffy
    insists it will. Who am I to argue with a dummy ? ;>)


    "I may have many faults, but being wrong ain't one of them." ... Jimmy
    jon_banquer, Jan 22, 2006
  7. That is pretty weak... I guess that's progress- years ago nobody would have
    bothered with that; now everyone's gunnin for 'em.
    Kevin Silbert, Jan 23, 2006
  8. SoCalMike

    cantankerous Guest

    So sad to see a company that was once so big,
    Not by a long shot. Autodesk is a large diversified organization. Money begets
    money and mediocrity is much more profitable than excellence. They're here to

    Now, why they continue with the charade that they are a Presence in MCAD is a
    good question. I wouldn't think there are enough cabbage heads exposed to
    recoup cost on a stunt like that but maybe I'm wrong. Or maybe they have more
    money than sense. New CEO is a marketing weenie.
    cantankerous, Feb 2, 2006
  9. Confession time. I, and one of the guys I was with, partook of that
    wave machine. Naturally, we indulged in some of the free drinks at the
    vendor fair before heading over. (ok, so we indulged in some drinks at
    bars along the way, too). Neither of us had any idea that the wave
    machine was done by Autodesk, btw. On the way over, we snagged a third
    innocent party to join us on our surfing safari. Strangely enough, when
    we got to the wave machine and there was more alcohol...Anyway, we ate
    their food, drank their booze, surfed, and didn't have a single sales
    pitch thrown at us. Then again, they may have...I guess my point
    is...huh, I guess I don't have one.
    Jeff Mirisola, Feb 3, 2006
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