Autocad Electrical for Panel Wiring Design

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by EdV, Nov 3, 2005.

  1. EdV

    EdV Guest

    I have used a variety of CAD packages to design PCBs and was wondering
    about drawing panel wiring layouts. Autocad is what I am going to be
    using so I don't get an option to switch to something better(or works
    at all)

    PCB Design:

    1 - Schematic Capture
    2 - Netlist
    3 - Place components in PCB layout SW
    4 - Import net list
    5 - Assign conductor widths and route.

    Will designing panel wiring involve a similar path. Or is this going
    to be a fancy Paint program?

    Thanks much,
    Ed V.
    EdV, Nov 3, 2005
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