AutoCAD crash and loss of licence

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by ACooper, Oct 6, 2004.

  1. ACooper

    ACooper Guest

    AutoCAD (2002) crashed mid-drawing and a message flashed up something about the licence (too quick to read). Now when I try so start AutoCAD I get the message 'IMPORTANT! In order to continue, you must obtain additional authorization. Error[6]'.
    Do I just need to go through the authorization procedure with my existing authorization code? And will it matter that I am using it on a laptop via the portable licence utility (does it need to be re-authorized on the PC that it was originally registered on)? Any help greatly appreciated.
    ACooper, Oct 6, 2004
  2. You need to fix the license where it is and your old authorization code will
    not work as each code is good for one time use only. If you follow prompts
    from the error dialog box you describe you will eventually be presented with
    a "request code". Contact your dealer or Autodesk customer service with the
    request code, serial number and registration information in hand. You will
    be issued a "repair code'

    Jerry Milana,
    Autodesk Consulting
    about the licence (too quick to read). Now when I try so start AutoCAD I get
    the message 'IMPORTANT! In order to continue, you must obtain additional
    authorization. Error[6]'.
    authorization code? And will it matter that I am using it on a laptop via
    the portable licence utility (does it need to be re-authorized on the PC
    that it was originally registered on)? Any help greatly appreciated.
    jerry milana \(Autodesk Consulting\), Oct 6, 2004
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