AutoCAD and Word

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Goran Dolenec, Oct 27, 2003.

  1. I need to export my drawings from ACad to Word for technical documentation
    but with different line thickness. If I change background from black to
    white and simply copy all the lines, it is ok, but all lines have same
    thickness. The way I'm using ACad is to draw all the lines with same
    thickness (in differant layers and colours), and when i want to plot, I say
    plot this colour with that thickness. Is there any solution? I ried with
    some expor formats, but picture quality was low.

    B. sc. Goran Dolenec

    R&D department of
    MB Frigo refrigeration
    Goran Dolenec, Oct 27, 2003
  2. hello,
    I had the same problem also some time ago. One solution is to install the
    driver of a Postscript-printer (you don't need any PS-printer for this
    task). Choose the PS-printer in the plot setup and mark the checkbox "plot
    to file". The software will generate a Postscript file which you can later
    open and convert with Ghostview (a tool free available on the net) to a
    proper format to include in your Word document.

    The results with these method are much better than any export method I ever
    tried out from AutoCAD. You can also generate PDF-files that way BTW.

    Roman Hartmann, Oct 27, 2003
  3. If you plot your drawings 'to file' to a PostScript printer driver, or
    export them to EPS using EPSOUT, you can use our ps2vector software to
    batch convert them to EMF for scalable and editable import into MS
    Word, retaining line thicknesses.

    ps2vector is available in desktop, server and developer configurations
    on Windows, Linux and UNIX platforms. Other vector output formats
    include industry-standard CGM, XML-standard SVG, MIF for FrameMaker,
    HPGL and more. See URL below for details.

    Jeroen Dekker
    Square One - The Graphics Connection
    Jeroen Dekker, Oct 28, 2003
  4. Goran Dolenec

    gruhn Guest

    I enjoy BetterWMF.
    gruhn, Oct 28, 2003
  5. Goran Dolenec

    gruhn Guest

    I enjoy BetterWMF.
    No need. Better WMF will remove the background.
    gruhn, Oct 30, 2003
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