AutoCAD and Roaming Profiles are about to kill me

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Patrick Jones, Apr 7, 2005.

  1. Ok, I am about to jump off the roof :)

    We have upgraded to AutoCAD 2005 and use roaming profiles.
    We are in the switching our profiles from Novell Zenworks
    to Windows Domain. Now, for a long story. The Zenworks
    sets users up as Power Users and everything is honky-dory.
    Originally, the Windows profiles were setup as just Users
    so AutoCAD could not register its filetypes. I added
    Domain Users to the Power Users group. Now, the Windows
    profiles still will not register the AutoCAD filetypes.
    I have installed SP1 for AutoCAD to no avail. I have even
    added the individual user to the Power Users group and
    still get nadda. If I add Domain Users to the Administrators
    group, the filetypes get registered. But that is not a route
    I want to go. I also know that the Power User setting is
    working because the user can change the Power Options where
    they couldn't as a regular user. Oh, and the machines are
    running Windows XP Pro SP2 and the Domain Controllers are
    Windows 2000.

    AutoCAD works fine otherwise. However, I need those filetypes
    to be registered for our main interface program.

    Any suggestions?


    Patrick Jones
    Patrick Jones, Apr 7, 2005
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