Autocad and compressed images problem

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Lipa, Feb 3, 2005.

  1. Lipa

    Lipa Guest


    I have a problem with inserting image files to autocad (version 2002).

    My photo is 1.5Gb large so there is a problem to work on it. I thought about
    compression and so I made a TIFF JPEG compression with q-factor 4 but...
    autocad is not able to read it anyway!

    So my wuestion is there maybe someone know what is the problem? Is there any
    possibility to made compression which autocad is able to read?

    Lipa, Feb 3, 2005
  2. Lipa

    BG250 Guest

    It wouldn't make a difference. Compressed file have to be decompressed to be
    opened. To open such a large file, you need more RAM than the size of the
    file, say 2Gb. Can't imagine why such a large photo needs to be inserted
    into AutoCAD. Can't it be scaled down in an image editor?
    BG250, Feb 3, 2005
  3. Lipa

    BG250 Guest

    It wouldn't make a difference. Compressed file have to be decompressed to be
    opened. To open such a large file, you need more RAM than the size of the
    file, say 2Gb. Can't imagine why such a large photo needs to be inserted
    into AutoCAD. Can't it be scaled down in an image editor?
    BG250, Feb 3, 2005
  4. Lipa

    BG250 Guest

    It wouldn't make a difference. Compressed file have to be decompressed to be
    opened. To open such a large file, you need more RAM than the size of the
    file, say 2Gb. Can't imagine why such a large photo needs to be inserted
    into AutoCAD. Can't it be scaled down in an image editor?
    BG250, Feb 3, 2005
  5. Lipa

    Robert Guest

    I often use picture to trace on them with cad, indeed some pictures are to
    big and cad has a big problem to generate the screen in the drawing so i
    always save the picture for the web format in jpg and reduce the resolution
    with photoshop that way it reduced the weight of the file and the insertion
    is then possible and generates it like a breeze


    Robert, Feb 3, 2005
  6. Lipa

    Robert Guest

    I also like to point out that with reference lines you have to resize it to
    fit the needed output.
    then your in buisiness.

    Robert, Feb 3, 2005
  7. Lipa

    Lipa Guest

    The problem is that it is an orthophotomap and the accuracy is about 14um!!
    Even small part of photo is really big - we need such accuracy at all.
    ie Microstation reads jpeg compression so there is no problem - autocad
    makes me sick with this.

    If I will scale it down accuracy will not be enough to select all small
    parts on photos.

    Lipa, Feb 3, 2005
  8. Lipa

    Tim Arheit Guest

    I haven't had any problems using a JPG file in autocad. It will
    handle TIF, but i don't know if it handles TIF with jpg compression.
    I'd guess it probably doesn't, but I have no way to try it as nothing
    I have will create a TIF with jpg compression.

    I have used large JPG's in autocad, though not as big as you are
    trying (more in the 500-600Mb range). But MS does seem to handle them
    better than autocad. You are definately pushing the upper limits of
    the program. Maybe breaking it into tiles may help.

    Tim Arheit, Feb 4, 2005
  9. Lipa

    BG250 Guest

    Why this posted three times beats me.
    Oh, I know why, Our ISP's news servers suck.
    BG250, Feb 4, 2005
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