AutoCAD 2008/Revit 2008 MEP, Core 2 Duo, Win 2K poor performance.

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Chris Wilkinson, May 26, 2007.

  1. Hi there,

    Running Revit 2K8 MEP and AutoCAD 2K8 on my work Core2 Duo 1.83GHz
    with 2GB RAM, NV Quadro NVS 285 driving 2x19" NEC 1280x1024 panels,
    under Win 2K Pro.

    I'm suffering serious performance hits at times, and it appears that
    only one core of the Core2 Duo is being used by acad/revit when the
    performance is poor. Is this a Win2K issue or an acad/revit issue?
    Its not just my machine, but at least 3 others of exact same spec
    in our engineering office suffering the same performance hits. At
    no time is swap file used, as far as I can see, so I'm not running
    out of RAM. Mostly its stuff like regens, layer operations, and also
    opening/closing that are really slow (some regens take over a minute
    if the dwg has xrefs)...

    Running 30 day trials of both acad/revit at home on a socket 754
    Athlon64 3000+, 1GB RAM, 6800GS 256MB graphics, on a single 22"
    NEC CRT under Win2K Pro runs quite nicely, particularly with 3D
    graphics. This machine should be slower than the highly rated Core
    2 machine at my work, yet the work machine is walloped by my home
    one in the performance race...

    Has anyone else had issues with Win2K, Core2 Duo's, and Autodesk
    softwares? Any solutions?

    Kind regards,

    Chris Wilkinson, Brisbane, Australia.
    "Maybe politicians should ask the people whether
    or not they wanted all these wars"...
    Chris Wilkinson, May 26, 2007
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