AutoCAD 2006

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by ivana, Mar 26, 2005.

  1. ivana

    ivana Guest

    i have a memory card of only 256 MB. would that be enough for a
    comfortable work in 2D? I've seen system requirements for ACAD 2006
    where it stated that 512 MB is needed, but I've been wondering if anyone
    had any experience with a smaller memory card? tnx in advance.

    ivana, Mar 26, 2005
  2. ivana

    CW Guest

    That depends on a lot of things. Type of work you do and operating system
    are the biggest factor. If using XP, that is about enough ram to support the
    OS, forget anything else. In any case, if it does work, you are on the bare
    minimum. Get more.
    CW, Mar 26, 2005
  3. I have a 1G Dell laptop with 256MB ram & it runs Autocad 2005 no problems.
    Don't know how it will go with 2006.
    Dene Charlesworth, Mar 27, 2005
  4. ivana

    williamhenry Guest

    running an old dell p3-1.0g with 128 meg, up and 2006 seems to be fine

    but at my speed and skill level I am probably not tasking it too hard
    williamhenry, Mar 27, 2005
  5. ivana

    ivana Guest

    i have a P4 at 2.4 GHz, with 256 MB RAM and ACAD 2005 worked just fine.
    but in system requirements for ACAD 2005 256 MB RAM was recommended.
    when I read yesterday in sys req for ACAD 2006 that 512 RAM was
    recommended I started to wonder what the heck was incorporated in this
    latest version that requires additional 256 MB.
    ivana, Mar 27, 2005
  6. ivana

    ivana Guest

    great! then ACAD 2006 should work fine on my configuration :)
    ivana, Mar 27, 2005
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