AutoCAD 2006 Menu Question

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by mlv, Sep 5, 2005.

  1. mlv

    mlv Guest

    I have just (reluctantly) upgraded to AutoCAD 2006. I notice that the
    pull-down/toolbar menu structure has been changed and you can't (well,
    shouldn't) customise using a text editor anymore.

    I'm getting used to most of the customisation procedures using the
    customization dialog box, but I can't persuade AutoCAD to load the pull-down
    menus in my preferred order.

    In the customization dialog box, I can pick and drag the pull-down menus
    into the order I want, or I can turn them all off and then turn them back on
    in the order I want. Although the pull-down menus are now shown in the
    dialog box in my preferred order, none of the 'Apply' or 'Save' functions
    actually actions my choice and the pull-down menus remain displayed in
    sequence pop1 to pop 16, reading left to right.

    How do I achieve the order I want? Must I use the menuload command in a Lisp
    mlv, Sep 5, 2005
  2. mlv

    S. Scalise Guest

    "Workspace" is what you need to deal with. Acad will open each session with
    the default workspace and all your changes will be lost until you create a
    custom "workspace". One you have done so you can switch to your preferred
    workspace or select it as default via "set current". The help file gives
    reasonably clear instructions.
    S. Scalise, Sep 6, 2005
  3. mlv

    mlv Guest

    OK, thanks. I'll go look up workspace and see how I get on.
    mlv, Sep 6, 2005
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