AutoCAD 2006 CUI Customization

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by AdvancedEngineering, Mar 31, 2006.

  1. As a company, we control all of our drawing production through the use
    of menus and toolbars; over a number of years we have developed a vast
    number of tools with a lot of coding behind it. We are looking to
    upgrade from a mix of LT2002 and LT2005 to LT2006 in the next couple of
    weeks and are concerned about the customization changes.

    Is it possible to simply convert all the macros etc. currently held in
    the .mnu files? We currently have one person, myself, modifying the
    ..mnu file whilst everyone else reads the .mns file once I have
    recompiled it.

    Is there anything that I particularly need to be aware of; we use
    menus, toolbars and slide libraries, all off the menu file? To redo
    this work would take months of redevelopment to understand a new
    customization language and correct any errors whilst in the mean time
    it takes twice as long to produce drawings and company standardization
    would be lost.

    I would be grateful if anyone who can advise on converting from 2005 to
    2006 or who can point me in the right direction would reply to my

    Many Thanks,

    AdvancedEngineering, Mar 31, 2006
  2. AdvancedEngineering

    R.K. McSwain Guest

    Any lisp statements or menu macros in your old mnu/mns files should
    convert over to .CUI just fine. The key word being "should".... The
    conversion to CUI seems to be picky and may give you some problems if
    the MNU syntax isn't just right.

    Rule 1: Make backups of everything, that way if something goes wrong you
    can jump back one step and try again.

    If possible, you may want to move some of your customization into the
    associated .MNL file. If your menu is named "lee.mnu" (or "lee.cui")
    then "lee.mnl" can contain your lisp statements and it will load
    automatically when the menu is loaded.

    Another advantage to this method is that if you make changes to this
    code, the MNL file is just a lisp file which you can edit in any ASCII
    editor. But if you had to make changes to the CUI, you almost have to
    use the dreaded CUI editor.
    R.K. McSwain, Apr 1, 2006
  3. AdvancedEngineering

    jojo Guest

    Lee. not sure if this will help, but we set up Autocad 2000 on a laptop, had
    it working to perfection, with all of our custom menus and toolbars, then
    loaded Autocad 2006.
    Using the 2006 Migration tool migrated everything almost perfectly. The only
    problem I had was the old Acad.mnl (which had been modified) file would not
    load. I changed it's name to custom.mnl and loaded it through the customize
    interface in 2006. All worked perfectly. Once the bugs were gone, I could do
    the install on all of our systems.

    jojo, Apr 4, 2006
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