AutoCAD 2005 Type Library Problem

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by WalterS, May 6, 2004.

  1. WalterS

    WalterS Guest

    I have a VBA routine that works great under 2000i and 2004 but fails under 2005. I have traced the problem to the AutoCAD 2005 type library.

    I get a "Can't compile module" error with the snipit of code below. lyrObj is highlighted when I select debug.
    Dim lyrObj As AcadLayer
    Set lyrObj = "SomeLayer"

    This runs fine under 2004 but fails only after I install 2005. It appears that the acax16enu.tlb file is different. I can copy back the older file but will that cause any problems with 2005???

    Thanks for any advice you can give,
    Walter S.
    WalterS, May 6, 2004
  2. Dim lyrObj As AcadLayer
    Number 1, DO NOT copy back the old library! Second, this should bomb in
    2004 as well [2000i was half-baked so I can see it working]. Look at what
    you have....lyrObj is dimmed as a layer object so you cannot set it to a
    string value - you have to use a Layer Object or parse thru the layer
    collection looking for "SomeLayer". Go back ttoo 2004 and include Option
    Explicit at the top of your code and/or remove any On Error Resume Next and
    it should not function there either.
    Mike Tuersley, May 6, 2004
  3. WalterS

    WalterS Guest

    Solution (sort of...)
    Well I don't know if my solution was right but I got AutoCAD 2005, 2004 and 2000i to play nicely on the same machine. I uninstalled and reinstalled 2004 after installing 2005. That cleared up the problems I was having and all appear to be working well together.
    WalterS, May 10, 2004
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