AutoCAD 2005 Tables: Slow Processing is AutoCAD, My Machine, or MyCode?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Terry W. Dotson, Nov 30, 2004.

  1. I'm trying to populate a table in 2005. It has 2 columns and 180 rows
    and its taking a full minute (59.8 sec) to process. Is it my machine
    (which does need reformatting but is a dual 2.8ghz), my code (which
    looks fairly free of bottlenecks, or is 2005 tables just a mutt?

    Sub TestTableSpeed()
    StartTime = Timer
    Dim TabObj As AcadTable
    Dim Pnt(0 To 2) As Double
    Cols = 2
    Rows = 180
    Set TabObj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddTable(Pnt, Rows, Cols, 0.15, 6)
    For Q& = 0 To Rows - 1
    TabObj.SetText Q&, 0, "Col0:Row" & Q&
    TabObj.SetText Q&, 1, "Col1:Row" & Q&
    EndTime = Timer
    MsgBox EndTime - StartTime
    End Sub

    Also, changing the row count has some interesting results, its not

    30 rows = 2 sec
    60 rows = 7 sec
    90 rows = 15 sec
    120 rows = 27 sec
    180 rows = 59 sec

    CPU Usage averages 50%

    Terry W. Dotson, Nov 30, 2004
  2. No, it's not your machine.

    AutoCAD table operations are so slow that they're
    barely useful for anything but small tables.
    Tony Tanzillo, Nov 30, 2004
  3. Just tried it on my P4 Laptop.
    It took 231 seconds, in battery saving mode.
    I don't expect it to go much faster in full speed mode, cause tables are
    real slow.!!!
    Jorge Jimenez, Nov 30, 2004
  4. The powers that be listened to somebody. AutoCAD 2006 introduces a much
    needed RegenerateTableSuppressed property. Set it to true before
    crunching and back to false when done.

    Slashed the processing time on that 180 row table from (59) seconds down
    to a mere (1) second!

    Terry W. Dotson, Apr 1, 2005
  5. Thanks for the update !!
    Jorge Jimenez, Apr 2, 2005
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