AutoCAD 2004 Regen Time

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Nate Hunter, Dec 23, 2003.

  1. Nate Hunter

    Nate Hunter Guest

    Does anyone know if you can turn off the regen feature in AutoCAD 2004. I
    have a few very large drawings that take a lone time to load. They seem to
    open fine but the regen time takes forever.

    Any ideas??
    Nate Hunter, Dec 23, 2003
  2. Nate Hunter

    Tom Berger Guest

    First you need to know that REGEN is the function that creates the
    display list, and that you can only view the entities which are in the
    display list.

    Elements on frozen layers will not be written to the display list
    (other than elements on off-layers), and if your drawing is organized
    in a way that you can freeze a large portion of your drawing then
    REGEN times will be much faster.

    Another solution is the "partial open" function in your OPEN dialog.

    Tom Berger
    Tom Berger, Dec 23, 2003
  3. Nate Hunter

    Jason Rhymes Guest

    You can set REGENAUTO to off but you going to get an annoying dialog box all
    the time.
    Help File
    "Inhibits regeneration of the drawing until you use the REGEN or REGENALL
    command, or set REGENAUTO to on.

    If you perform an action that requires a regeneration and that action is
    irrevocable (such as thawing layers), AutoCAD displays Regen queued on the
    command line.

    If you perform an action that requires a regeneration and that action is
    revocable, AutoCAD displays the following message:

    About to regen-proceed?

    If you choose OK, AutoCAD regenerates the drawing. If you choose Cancel,
    AutoCAD cancels the last action that you performed and does not regenerate
    the drawing."
    Jason Rhymes, Dec 23, 2003
  4. Nate Hunter

    Walt Engle Guest

    Regenerating is reading from the hard drive and putting into memory (ram).
    Perhaps you need to add more ram?
    Walt Engle, Dec 23, 2003
  5. Nate Hunter

    Tom Berger Guest

    No, you are wrong!

    Tom Berger
    Tom Berger, Dec 23, 2003
  6. Nate Hunter

    C. G. Haley Guest

    I believe if you freeze some of the layers you are not going to be using it
    should speed up the regens. I could be wrong though. One of my drawings is
    10 meg plus. For AutoCAD that is a huge file.

    C. G. Haley, Dec 27, 2003
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