AUTOCAD 2004 or earlier version download---PLEASE HELP

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Matthew Imholte, Apr 8, 2004.

  1. Matthew Imholte

    ss Guest

    read the first bit of my email again, you are not breaking the law if you
    give a copy to a friend and not illegal for him to use it
    then no one is stealing anything you are merely giving your friends both
    distant (read global) and local a copy, if that includes new friends that
    you meet on a newsgroup each day then the legality remains the same. The law
    isn't calling it stealing-you are!
    Note* For saying that Americans are so wrapped up with Lawyers in your
    culture, I do find it slightly at odds that the variances in interpreting
    the law (something which Lawyers make there living by) seems to be beyond
    the people in this newsgroup, you guys appear to believe that this is a
    black and white issue--it isnt! It also seems that if Bill Gates or some
    twat at the RIAA says its illegal-then it is!---it isn't!! Only a court can
    decide that and so far on that front they are not having much success in the
    EU or the USA, money always talks so some changes are/will come but for now
    at least, legality has yet to be proved, so why the incorrect 'facts' and
    name calling is completely beyond me. By default an engineer only works with
    known issues and facts to solve problems, he cannot do his job using
    voodoo,scientology and guesses (ok some do that) so are draftsmen related
    even remotely to engineers? what is it about a fact that is so hard to
    merely drawing a line so that I can isolate my culture from yours to
    illustrate my POV. You of coarse are saying that you believe that you are
    more moral, in which case don't just say it--prove it!

    Compare the USA against Canada or say England in the following areas
    Kickbacks at the political level
    Crime stats a, against women
    b. against children
    Gun crime
    Social injustice (including corporate indifference)
    Even looking at the O J Simpson case leaves any ruling by a court in the USA
    'iffy' by European standards, to say the least!

    A quick look at a comparison between the above countries and the really
    serious crimes will show that you Americans have only a wooden leg to stand
    on, that is not to say that I may or may not be more or less moral than you,
    my email was not intended for individual assasination. I would ask you to
    read the last email again as far from being baloney it was indeed a more
    relevant angle to the charge of 'theft' than you are giving it credit for.

    Regards, SS
    ss, Apr 12, 2004
  2. Matthew Imholte

    ss Guest

    Ahh! I see CW couldn't resist, name calling aside, read the facts and learn,
    you may be a CAD master for all I know, but you don't appear to have much
    common sense or indeed intellect, maybe you are just hiding it to try and
    make yourself appear more honest and oh, more moral.

    aberration indeed! Yeah, like 260million of us!
    Regards, SS
    ss, Apr 12, 2004
  3. Matthew Imholte

    Vernon O. J. Guest

    Thank you for the impaired justification for stealing.

    You have no concept of copyright laws, American or international.

    You seem never to have read the licensing "AGREEMENT" of most software.

    You wouldn't know what it said anyway, much less observe same.

    Many, not all, agreements limit you to one computer, much less a friends
    computer, hence corporate licenses.
    Vernon O. J., Apr 12, 2004
  4. Matthew Imholte

    ss Guest

    but American laws don't mean diddly in most countries, whatever gave you the
    idea that other countries look to one of the youngest (and whackyist)
    nations on the planet for legal standards, most of the same world
    positively laughs at your legal system. The International copyright system
    is only a loose agreement between nations, most of it would take high court
    action (mucho dollars) to find a settlement and has never been won against
    an individual unless the individual is making money out of it. The little
    guy has a greater profile in law than his USA counterpart (lets call that
    freedom) in your country the mighty dollar wins evertime, the same cannot
    be said in many others.
    an agreement is a two way contract between two or more people, it is not an
    agreement in anywhere but the USA when someone is holding a gun to you head
    and ordering you around---DUH!
    Americans think is a law, some greedy shithead Lawyer puts together a load
    of words which removes every natural right and makes you check the box
    before it lets you install, THAT simply put, will not hold as an agreement
    in law in most countries mentioned. Unlike the USA we have many laws to
    protect us from these tyrant corporations, consumers have all the rights!
    The individual would only be breaking the law if he SOLD the software. In
    most countries, if you buy it, its YOURS! including the right to tranfer and
    use as many times on different machines as you want (its YOURS) and giving a
    copy to friends (however many) to use has far as I know has never been
    challenged let alone won in any court in Canada, Great Britain, France,
    Germany, Holland, Sweden etc. etc.

    We are going nowhere with this because you have your 'American' head on, I
    have my European head on, simply put, this is only an argument because you
    Americans think you are the only ones that count and therefore gives you the
    right to be judgemental. what you all don't realise is, the rest of the
    world has its middle finger up and in unison chanting '**** you' whether you
    like it or not! If you don't want to argue all the time then don't be so
    judgemental in a public place.
    Before you even go there, calling this group an American only autocad group
    will bring the wrath of the rest of the world, usenet is not owned by

    Regards, SS
    ss, Apr 12, 2004
  5. Matthew Imholte

    Vernon O. J. Guest

    At the beginning, one states that they "agree" with the licensing.

    A liar and cheat such as yourself would NEVER understand such.

    Take your political agenda elsewhere.
    Vernon O. J., Apr 13, 2004
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