AUTOCAD 2004 or earlier version download---PLEASE HELP

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Matthew Imholte, Apr 8, 2004.

  1. Im looking for the download for AutoCad 2004 or an earlier version so I
    would be able to do my work from school at my house. Please let me know if
    you could help me.

    Matthew Imholte, Apr 8, 2004
  2. Matthew Imholte

    Dennis Guest

    You're talking about a $4,000 piece of software, and you
    want somebody to just give you a free copy? Try buying
    the Lt. version. It is more than adequete for most need.

    Dennis, Apr 8, 2004
  3. Its still a pretty penny for the LT version..and I dont have that kind of
    money. I have a friend that got a free copy off newsgroups, the same way Im
    doing it now. So I find nothing wrong with it. Lt or not.

    Matthew Imholte, Apr 8, 2004
  4. Matthew Imholte

    CW Guest

    Theft is theft. Your opinion does not matter.
    CW, Apr 8, 2004
  5. Matthew Imholte

    P.C. Guest


    Why steal somthing when you can download a free copy of IntelliCAD ;
    It will do more than Lt and you can't tell the difference between that and
    AutoCAD before you need Solids.
    P.C., Apr 9, 2004
  6. Matthew Imholte

    ss Guest

    Jesus 'CW' take that poker out your ass and relax a little, the guy was
    asking for directions that's all! Who the **** are YOU to judge anyone, the
    reasonable and polite way to answer this simple question would be to point
    his mouse to alt.binaries.warez.autocad see! that didn't hurt a bit and
    for a pompous asshole such as yourself, you can gain the satisfaction
    knowing that this 'thief' will point that mouse as quickly as possible from
    this stuff shirted, anal, irrelevant, short sighted newsgroup and you can
    back to wallowing in that illusion of superiority in which you are so
    obviously immersed.

    Kind regards SS
    ss, Apr 10, 2004
  7. Matthew Imholte

    CW Guest

    Another criminal, I see. I wish you a speedy conviction and long sentance.
    CW, Apr 10, 2004
  8. Matthew Imholte

    ss Guest

    In order to become a criminal I would have to have been in front of a judge,
    happily I have never had that experience, neither have I stolen anything.
    Calling me a criminal without knowing the facts or indeed anything about me
    just shows everyone what a bloated, self opinionated prick you really are.
    My message to you initially was to show that instead of being judgmental you
    merely had to be polite and refer the unfortunate gentleman out of this
    group into another that will satisfy his needs.

    Because of your judgemental atttidude, you are obviously covering for the
    fact that you are a despicable depraved child molester, hiding under the
    guise of righteous indignation!

    Now do you see how stupid statements in print can reveal how irrelevant YOUR
    opinions are!

    Regards, SS
    ss, Apr 10, 2004
  9. Matthew Imholte

    CW Guest

    What an idiot. Come back when you get out of grade school. Maybe then you
    will have some intelligent to say. Until then, plonk.

    "ss" (supreme stupidity) wrote in message
    CW, Apr 10, 2004
  10. Matthew Imholte

    ss Guest

    No actually you are the idiot, how quicky you drop down to your real
    mentality, so rounding up, someone asks a simple question you call him a
    thief!! I write to inform you of your extreme bad manners and I am an idiot
    and a criminal!!
    Well its a good job for society that you are only a poxy draughtsman and not
    a supreme court judge, or we would all be fucked! I bet you even harbour
    fantasies about ruling the world some day, LOL! what a fucking wanker and
    just to show you that this 40+ year (senior engineer) old can act like a
    little adalescent fag AS WELL.

    You are without doubt the biggest, small minded, biggoted, loud mouthed,
    opinionated and irrelevant **** on Usenet--Well fucking done! the best in
    12 years LOL!

    Warm regards SS (alias, supreme stupidity)
    ss, Apr 11, 2004
  11. Matthew Imholte

    P.C. Guest


    All this trouble come from overpriced software. How do anyone expect somone
    living in a poor contry, ever to be able to pay 6000 $ for just the basic
    But this is how it work , ---- either the company will sell for 6000 or it
    will not sell, even the company could make 10 times what it make in one
    contry by dropping the price to somthing realistic, it is better to not earn
    those 10 times as much and feed a bunch of greedy layers.
    Who acturly suffer from somone educating themself getting used to this
    software , --------- from my point of view AutoCAD have the most vierd
    software policy ; they could sell 100 times as much by selling at a
    realistic price, and even make the money that was possible to make, in
    places where you would not sell anything. But as greed rule, it is better to
    blame somone stealing becaurse you overprice the digital future.
    Better not to earn the money that can be earned with a sain software policy
    and talk about fantasy billions that you would never earn anyway. The music
    industrie greed the same way ; they also could earn 10 fold by a more
    rasional software policy, -------- but then their layers would not be able
    to fool them for the money that don't exist.
    P.C., Apr 11, 2004
  12. Matthew Imholte

    Vernon O. J. Guest

    Go to a book store.
    For about $50.00 you can get a book that has a thirty day trial version of

    If you want more than 30 days, buy it.
    Vernon O. J., Apr 11, 2004
  13. Matthew Imholte

    CW Guest

    So, if there is something you can't afford, you are then justified in
    stealing it?
    CW, Apr 11, 2004
  14. Matthew Imholte

    Vernon O. J. Guest

    HE HE HE
    My neighbor has a new 500 class BMW.
    I can just take it and say I couldn't afford one myself.
    Vernon O. J., Apr 12, 2004
  15. Matthew Imholte

    Dennis Guest

    This is why certain people need laws to contain
    thier behavior. They don't have the "moral compass" to
    do the right thing. Somebody has to hit them over the head
    with a legal hammer!

    Dennis, Apr 12, 2004
  16. Matthew Imholte

    CW Guest

    Yes, quite true. This is what the student version is for. It seems kind of
    spendy and students need all the help they can get but it costs less than
    two school books.
    CW, Apr 12, 2004
  17. Matthew Imholte

    CW Guest

    As long as PC is the judge you go before, it should be fine.
    CW, Apr 12, 2004
  18. Matthew Imholte

    ss Guest

    Having a legal copy of a piece of software is not the same as nicking your
    friends car, copying a piece of software is not removing the original,
    Canadian and British law courts have all ruled that it is perfectly legal to
    produce copies of software that you own, therefore it is quite legal to give
    this copy to your friend, the only thing that you can't do is SELL it. Until
    the law is changed and believe me both of those countries mentioned will
    have a hard time getting changes through parliament, grabbing a piece of
    software and using it does not break criminal law.
    Now if you follow such things 'they' would like to believe that they can put
    us all under a 'rock star' contract, i.e., have complete control over use,
    when, how, what etc unfortunately (for 'them') in both those countries
    mentioned, CONSUMERS actually have full rights over any purchases and no
    doubt it is going to be a long drawn out fight to see the outcome. We just
    may end up with the good old USA making draconian laws to protect there
    business buddies and Europe having a much more watered down set of
    Trouble is with Americans is that they are frightened of everything, now
    before someone jumps me on this point I would like to say that this is not
    meant as cowardice far from it, anyone who lives in 'the land of the free'
    automatically gains my respect, as personally I would prefer to live in
    Bosnia. what I am trying to say is that Americans are so used to being sued
    and suing and the Law and the mighty dollar is blasted out on the airwaves
    everynight and this is what frightens people, they actually believe that its
    a crime to do this and a crime to do that, when in actual fact there is no
    such law in the first place, however the very fear of being sent a bill by
    the RIAA is enough to send blind panic through the land, those bills that
    have been sent out were not even legal and now the receivers are suing the
    RIAA for money back with punitive damages, so on and on it goes! its
    bullshit! This is why I get so cross when bar room lawyers start spouting
    shit about whats illegal etc then start a fatwa against all those people
    with unregistered software. They are nearly as sickening as those people
    that have quit smoking and then turn around and force there will on
    everybody that still likes a smoke, in the process will be very willing give
    up your rights.

    One final point which sticks in my throat, most Draftsmen earn between 20 to
    start up to around 30$ an hour, some are on more but lets stick with the
    majority. A cd rom full should take a good programmer about three weeks to
    write the code, it could take about a year to design the process in the
    first place so obviously making a program and the marketing it is quite an
    expensive process, therefore it is justifiable to charge a fee for the
    rights to use it. At the beginning of each loading session of this CD you
    will have to check a disclaimer box before it will install, this removes all
    your rights This alone makes this a joke in Europe, remember consumers have
    rights! Then it goes something like this 'Our software is now industry
    standard' and boy are we going to **** you over for 700mb of data, so 4000$
    is extracted from wallets all over the land, if Bill Gates tried this he
    would be sued by everyone all over the planet! I think you can see my drift
    Until the software producers start charging a realistic amount for the
    produce (like the rest of us have to)(see above) someone will anyways find a
    way of stealing it. Don't side with the producers! They are not on your
    side! Anyone siding with someone that has or is about to screw you over, is
    quite simply a fucking lunatic.
    IMHO, any program filling a cd should cost around 150 $ (pretty much the
    same as Windows) this fair price will ensure a lot of sales that will make
    the greedy men happy and reduce the amount of copying to an insignificant

    Regards, SorS
    ss, Apr 12, 2004
  19. Matthew Imholte

    Vernon O. J. Guest

    Baloney removed.

    1. making a copy for yourself that you own was NOT the question.

    2. "Stealing" a copy was the question.

    3. "You Americans" is another way of saying that Americans are more moral
    than your country.
    Vernon O. J., Apr 12, 2004
  20. Matthew Imholte

    CW Guest

    I didn't see the post as I have this fool kill filed but I would not take
    this guy as an accurate representation of the population at large in his
    country. He is likely an aberration.
    CW, Apr 12, 2004
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