AutoCAD 2004 Drawing Properties

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Nick Schuckert, Dec 16, 2003.

  1. I want to use the SetCustomByIndex and SetCustomByKey ActiveX Methods to
    write Custom Property Names and Values to the AutoCAD 2004 Drawing Property
    Sheet. Would someone please post a Visual Lisp example that shows the syntax
    of these two methods.

    Based on my AutoCAD 2004 Drawing Properties investigation, I have not found
    many examples on this topic. Here is what I have compiled thus far. Hope
    it's of value...

    (setq acadObject (vlax-get-acad-object))
    (setq acadDocument (vla-get-ActiveDocument acadObject))
    (setq DWGPROPS (vlax-get-Property acadDocument 'SummaryInfo))
    ; Write Summary Info...
    (vlax-put-Property DWGPROPS 'Title "Some Title")
    (vlax-put-Property DWGPROPS 'Subject "Some Subject")
    (vlax-put-Property DWGPROPS 'Author "Some Author")
    (vlax-put-Property DWGPROPS 'Keywords "Some Keywords")
    (vlax-put-Property DWGPROPS 'Comments "Some Comments")
    (vlax-put-Property DWGPROPS 'HyperlinkBase "Some Hyperlink")
    (vlax-put-Property DWGPROPS 'LastSavedBy "Some Name")
    (vlax-put-Property DWGPROPS 'RevisionNumber "1")
    ; Write Custom Info...
    (vla-addCustomInfo DWGPROPS "Some Name" "Some Value")

    Thanks In Advance!
    Nick Schuckert, Dec 16, 2003
  2. Nick,

    You need to add the custom data fields before you can (later) set them using
    those methods. Note this sample doesn't check for existing matching custom

    (defun C:Test (/ App Doc DwgProps)
    (setq App (vlax-Get-Acad-Object)
    Doc (vla-Get-ActiveDocument App)
    DwgProps (vla-Get-SummaryInfo Doc))
    (vla-AddCustomInfo DwgProps "Sample1" "No Data")
    (vla-AddCustomInfo DwgProps "Sample2" "No Data")
    (vla-SetCustomByIndex DwgProps 0 "Sample1" "Some data")
    (vla-SetCustomByKey DwgProps "Sample2" "More data")

    R. Robert Bell, MCSE

    | I want to use the SetCustomByIndex and SetCustomByKey ActiveX Methods to
    | write Custom Property Names and Values to the AutoCAD 2004 Drawing
    | Sheet. Would someone please post a Visual Lisp example that shows the
    | of these two methods.
    | Based on my AutoCAD 2004 Drawing Properties investigation, I have not
    | many examples on this topic. Here is what I have compiled thus far. Hope
    | it's of value...
    | (vl-load-com)
    | (setq acadObject (vlax-get-acad-object))
    | (setq acadDocument (vla-get-ActiveDocument acadObject))
    | (setq DWGPROPS (vlax-get-Property acadDocument 'SummaryInfo))
    | ;
    | ; Write Summary Info...
    | ;
    | (vlax-put-Property DWGPROPS 'Title "Some Title")
    | (vlax-put-Property DWGPROPS 'Subject "Some Subject")
    | (vlax-put-Property DWGPROPS 'Author "Some Author")
    | (vlax-put-Property DWGPROPS 'Keywords "Some Keywords")
    | (vlax-put-Property DWGPROPS 'Comments "Some Comments")
    | (vlax-put-Property DWGPROPS 'HyperlinkBase "Some Hyperlink")
    | (vlax-put-Property DWGPROPS 'LastSavedBy "Some Name")
    | (vlax-put-Property DWGPROPS 'RevisionNumber "1")
    | ;
    | ; Write Custom Info...
    | ;
    | (vla-addCustomInfo DWGPROPS "Some Name" "Some Value")
    | Thanks In Advance!
    R. Robert Bell, Dec 17, 2003
  3. Robert, Thanks!

    Your example was a big help. I didn't realize that I needed to initially
    add the custom data fields. I thought setting the custom data fields was
    just another choice for me.

    Nick Schuckert, Dec 18, 2003
  4. Glad to have helped!

    R. Robert Bell, MCSE

    | Robert, Thanks!
    | Your example was a big help. I didn't realize that I needed to initially
    | add the custom data fields. I thought setting the custom data fields was
    | just another choice for me.
    R. Robert Bell, Dec 18, 2003
  5. Nick Schuckert

    dlinford Guest

    How would I do a check for existing matching custom fields? I keep getting error messages when I check and I can't compensate.

    dlinford, Nov 22, 2004
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