AutoCAD 2004 and XP sp2

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Chip Harper, Sep 22, 2004.

  1. Chip Harper

    Chip Harper Guest

    Took the plunge over the weekend and found (like others have) there is a big
    delay for plotting dialog boxes....
    very long story short...AutoCAD 2004 is no longer honoring the plot file
    support paths under Tools>Options>Files Tab>"Printer Support File Path">...

    We have XP pro's on a peer to peer network, (2) HP 430 Designjets and (1) HP
    DeskJet 1220c are connected to a plotter server (win98 box). The 2 min plus
    delay completely disappeared when I placed the folder containing the pc3
    files on the plot server hard drive. I have one working perfectly now and
    another has errors with 8.5x11 plots (from a lisp plotting routine) because
    the thing is still looking at an incorrect pc3 (from what location I have no
    idea). The correct pc3 has a filtered size list for Letter and Tabloid, the
    pc3 loading has an unfiltered list which includes <8.5 x 11 Letter>.
    Chip Harper, Sep 22, 2004
  2. Chip Harper

    The Real JD Guest

    Just for clarification... where did you put the PC3 file?
    on a network folder or did you take it from a network folder and placed it
    locally on the machine, or were they originally local hardrive and moved to
    a plot server?

    Does your PC3 with errors have a PMP file attached?
    The Real JD, Sep 22, 2004
  3. Chip Harper

    Chip Harper Guest

    We're not set up on a server/client network ... we're peer to peer .... the
    pc3 files have to be located on the computer that the plotters/printers are
    attached to, and shared from, to eliminate the delay. Originally the files
    were located on the c drive of the machine running AutoCAD ... all our
    customization from mns's to pmps are/were located in subfolders under a
    single customization folder. I've since moved the pc3's and pmps to the plot
    server location and changed the support paths pointing there.

    Eliminated the PC3 errors by reinstalling the HP 1220c drivers on both xp
    boxes ...on the first, the driver was installed as xp sp1 and the other was
    installed as xp sp2 so the computers were seeing the same pc3 file but
    returning different values. One saw "Letter" and "Tabloid", the other saw
    "Letter (8.5 x 11 in.) " [note there is a blank space at the end..important
    for your coding!] and "Tabloid (11 x 17 in.)" using the same pc3 and pmp
    files. Verified this by renaming the offending pc3 and reading the
    properties at both machines.

    The boss is having a heart attack over the time spent on this upgrade, I'm
    ready for a drink and it's only 8:30 in the AM! But we're 100% back on line
    finally. I luv my job :)
    Chip Harper, Sep 23, 2004
  4. Chip Harper

    Chip Harper Guest

    I did ... completely uninstalled the printers, removed the drivers, pc3 and
    pmp files and started with one plotter, one pc3 and one pmp.... with the
    files in the previous location and specified in the files support path I
    still got the delay ...when I moved the pc3's over to the plot server the
    delay went away... every thing is back up and working at this point but
    those files are now located on the plot server. Which means AutoCAD is no
    longer honoring the file location path specified in the support paths.
    Chip Harper, Sep 23, 2004
  5. Chip Harper

    Chip Harper Guest


    I'll be sending a more detailed accounting of events and copies of the files
    involved up the line to AutoDesk this weekend ... I'll post again when I
    hear back.
    Chip Harper, Sep 23, 2004
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