AutoCAD 2004/2004 Network Install with Microsoft SMS

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by John Story, Jul 23, 2004.

  1. John Story

    John Story Guest

    This worked great with 2002. Now with AutoCAD 2004/2005, there is a problem.

    Once the Network Deployment is created, the files in the folder are used to create a SMS 2003 Package with a command line of "deploy my_network_install(.mst)".

    When the package is run manually on a workstation, it installs just like you told it to do when it was created.

    When the package is installed through SMS, the package starts to install then the SMS installer stops a few seconds later with the following error:

    Error 1606. Could not access network location Autodesk\AutoCAD 2004\R16.0\enu\.

    This is the location under:
    a.. C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2004\R16.0\enu
    b.. C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Application Data\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2004\R16.0\enu
    where the "user modifiable" information must go, as is "required by Microsoft" to get the "XP Logo Certification". (This in my opinion was not a good change at all. Schools may be the only place where this actually may benefit the end users.)

    Problem then is that the SMS 2003 system does not install the application as a "normal user", so there is no profile for the AutoCAD installer to dump files into, and it fails..... or at least this is the current theory.

    Since we cannot redirect where these "profile based" files are to be installed, I need a solution. I have ~1300 workstations to upgrade and I don't want to visit each one.........

    Thanks for any and all help,
    John Story, Jul 23, 2004
  2. John Story

    dstein Guest

    Forgive me if this is a stupid question, but did you follow the procedure described in the Network Administrator's Guide for deploying with SMS? Their process looks a little different from what you described, to me anyway, but I may be misunderstanding your explanation. I've deployed with GPO, RIS and scripts and am getting ready to do it with SMS 2003 to compare which is the best route to take, so I'd like to see if you find a solution to this as well.
    dstein, Jul 24, 2004
  3. John Story

    John Story Guest


    From the AutoCAD 2005 "Acad_NAG.pdf" on page 79, item 7:

    "In the Program CAn Run list, select Only When a User Is Logged On, and then
    select the User Input Required option."

    Beyond these two settings, yes, mine is the same. This is the problem
    aparently, because I do not want to run this in front of the user and I
    don't want it to allow input.

    This makes real the scenario of "user logs on and starts to work, then
    realizes that AutoCAD(prev ver) is gone(having been uninstalled while they
    were not logged in), calls IT support wondering why they cannot work, then
    calling up the manager chain to complain that they cannot work."

    If I understand this right, I am then forced to do very small clumps of
    collections to install to since having a whole office deploy in this manner
    is complete suicide.

    I cannot believe Autodesk has made a package that must be installed while a
    user is "active" on the machine.

    Any method that requires user intervention at the workstation directly
    drives up the cost of implementation. This makes it nearly prohibitive to do
    a planned weekend replacement without having people onsite to run around and
    log onto machines. $$$$$ and time.

    I will presume since you have done it with scripts that all of your users
    are admin on the workstations, yes? The vast majority of ours are not and we
    like it that way.

    John Story, Jul 25, 2004
  4. John Story

    dstein Guest

    My current package for deploying Acad 2005 via SMS 2003 is using a BAT file and a vbscript file to call the deploy.exe with the MST profile name argument, and then it calls other installations such as Batch Dwg Converter and then it does some file downloads and replaces the desktop shortcut to insert a /P profile argument, etc. It seems to work fine. Not totally silent (e.g. not using /qb! or /qn, etc.) but the users know not to click the Cancel button or they don't get AutoCAD. I hope this helps? If you want the install script let me know. I posted them up on the MyItForum site for someone else.
    dstein, Aug 24, 2004
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