AutoCAD 2004/2002 and AcadBlockReference

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by nik_s, Feb 3, 2004.

  1. nik_s

    nik_s Guest

    I have created 2 TLBs one for AutoCAD2002 another for 2004, and change Delphi code to support both versions, everything works fine except when i'm using AcadBlockReference, I have something like this:

    function foo()
    currDwg :IDispatch;
    varAttributes : OleVariant;
    if AutoCAD2004 then
    blockRefObj := (currDwg as INAcadDocument).ModelSpace.InsertBlock(varInsPoint, sblkName,sXScale,sXScale,sXScale,0.0, EmptyParam);
    end else//The block exists so just update the attributes
    blockRefObj := varSelSet.Item(0);
    varAttributes := (blockrefObj as INAcadBlockReference).GetAttributes;
    end else
    blockRefObj := (currDwg as IOAcadDocument).ModelSpace.InsertBlock(varInsPoint, sblkName,sXScale,sXScale,sXScale,0.0);
    end else//The block exists so just update the attributes
    blockRefObj := varSelSet.Item(0);
    varAttributes := (blockrefObj as IOAcadBlockReference).GetAttributes;
    //then try this
    for indx := 0 to cdsAcad.RecordCount -1 do
    varAttributes[ictr].textString := cdsAcadt.FieldByName('n1').text;
    varAttributes[ictr+1].textString := cdsAcadt.FieldByName('n2').text;
    varAttributes[ictr+2].textString := cdsAcadt.FieldByName('n3').text;
    iCtr := iCtr +3;

    It works fine with AutoCAD2002 but get error when using 2004 "Library not register: in line
    varAttributes[ictr].textString := cdsAcadt.FieldByName('n1').text;
    I did try some type casting as INAcadAttributeDisp but wouldn't compile
    anybody experiencing something similar

    thanks in advance!
    nik_s, Feb 3, 2004
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