AutoCad 2000 Win XP Pro & HP 330 Plotter running slow

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by dhillier, Feb 23, 2007.

  1. dhillier

    dhillier Guest

    Hi, first post here. I have a situation I can't get my head around: I
    am running Autocad 2000 on a Windows Pro machine, trying to print to
    an HP 330 plotter. The plots themselves are fine, the problem is
    selecting the plotter in AutoCad. In Windows XP, once I select the
    plotter //server/plotter I have to wait, and wait for AutoCad to begin
    responding again. It can take upwards of 2 or 3 minutes before I can
    select the plotters properties or have it plot. I am using the latest
    driver from HP (4.65). There is no issue what so ever in Windows 98,
    and Me. I realize that AutoCad 2000 is not supported after Me, however
    the only problem we have is the slow response time to access the
    printer. I did try to install using the Plot Manager, but that doesn't
    help either. If I try plotting to a printer, there is no issue...its
    only with the HP that there is this lengthy delay.

    Any help is appreciated...
    dhillier, Feb 23, 2007
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