AutoCAD 2000 VBA by Joe Sutphin and attributes

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by rpresto189, Mar 20, 2005.

  1. rpresto189

    rpresto189 Guest

    I'm having a terrible time trying to get the code from this book to
    produce the intended results.

    Specifically, the code to list attributes on page 280. The code works
    perfectly except that objAttrib.TextString returns an empty string
    every time.

    I substituted my block name (title block) in the listed code and it
    returns all the data except that associated with "Value: ".

    In AutoCAD I edited the attributes in that block so that I know what
    values are in each attribute. I did a list on that block and AutoCAD
    returns the correct values. But the VBA code doesn't.

    Before I pull anymore hair out, would someone please help me?

    rpresto189, Mar 20, 2005
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