Autocad 10 crashes

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Fernando Ronci, Jan 5, 2004.

  1. Hi,

    These days I've had to (temporarily) travel some years back in time
    and work with some dwg files created with Autocad 10, running on a DOS
    windows on a Windows 95 machine.
    Everything is OK except that every five minutes or so Autocad 10
    crashes with an error like this:
    General error reading drive E
    A value (or default) for FCBS= or FILES= in CONFIG.SYS may be too low.
    Abort, Retry?

    And then it shuts down, but gives me the chance to save changes
    before. Sometimes it complains about other drive letters such as "I",
    and not only "E", like in this example.
    Anyway, the hard drive of the "Windows 95" machine where it's running
    has only one partition: "C" and it's not networked. Furthermore, my
    CONFIG.SYS file contains the following:

    Is there anything to tune on Windows 95 and/or old Autocad10 to make
    it run error-free ?

    Thank you,

    Fernando Ronci
    Fernando Ronci, Jan 5, 2004
  2. Fernando Ronci

    Ossimoro Guest

    Leggo dal nick che sei italiano, ma per netiquette rispondero' nel mio
    scalcinato inglese:

    1st, you need to control Autocad to be started in REAL DOS mode, pressing F8
    at bootup, just after BIOS screen. Choise on boot menu is: "prompt dei
    comandi con supporto di rete", then navigate on disk to find and launch
    acad.bat (better if it exist, it have sure other ambient settings inside) or
    acad.exe file .
    To be in exact directory in witch acad it's installed it's really better to
    correct acad exe working. If you also start Autocad from win95 in genuine
    real mode it's ok (you need to control link properties (the acad icon you
    corrently use to launch it from 95) just right-cicking it & choicing "esegui
    in modalità reale". This affect rebooting system with DOS kernel only. Not
    attempt to execute Autocad in proteceted mode: this affect non-execution of
    code or crash of app.

    Ok. If you already execute in real mode acad and have troubles, you need to
    modify realmode config.sys file. It's located on root (c:\).
    You can edit in DOS mode, but i suggest to backup old file:


    Pay attention, win95 swaps config filenames if its in protected/real mode
    execution, you need to edit the real mode config (can be a different file!),
    booting in realmode or switching to it from 95 interface.
    After you checked the correct execution mode, let's control again your
    config.sys. If it's the same uplisted, i suggest this changes:
    File control blocks (FCBS) need to be set at right value, to permit to
    Autocad to handle data files. I don't rmemeber what's the right number :try
    this or increase it, if Acad dont works better. I hope you have at least 16
    (better 32) Mb of RAM on this machine, and a generous free disk space (i
    empirically calculate free disk space=4*size of file dwg at least) to swap,
    if the file are big.
    I suggest to "rem" (make inactive comment line) himem, emm386 and umb dos
    loader. This can be the first cause of conflict of yous sw. Autocad 10 was
    manage DIRECTLY upper blocks of memory (over 1 Mb or 640 Kb, i don't rmember
    exactly) and don't need /want other extended/expanded memory managers.
    After the job you can rename the backuped old config.bak to config.sys
    (after deleting or renaming the new for ex. config.cad) and use normally
    the DOS configuration startup file, having the OS loaded in upper blocks.

    REM device=c:\windows\himem.sys
    REM device=c:\windows\emm386.exe
    REM dos=umb,high

    De nada: ma dovevi fare un' operazione di riesumazione di vecchi DWG? Ti
    sarà sembrato di tornare al Precambriano, col caro buon vecchio 10.
    Ossimoro, Jan 5, 2004
  3. Fernando Ronci

    Paul Turvill Guest

    Why? R10 files will open in any later version of AutoCAD.
    Paul Turvill, Jan 5, 2004
  4. Fernando Ronci

    Ossimoro Guest

    Mh. Are you sure?
    Sometimes i tried to convert old drawings (2d plans and 3dmesh models
    perfectly readables in R11) with R14. Well, in some cases that drawings was
    appear deadly corrupted and not audit sensitive.
    Also i remember that some simple dwgs created in LT 98 (declared acad R 13
    or 14 -i don't remember- fully compatible) was not open in Acad 2002. Same
    The problem (i think) it's in the different structure of header in the
    file. It can be resolved only with dxf export, or (paradox) exporting the
    file via other app (coreldraw, archicad, ecc).

    Strange, a program wich have 250 Mb of installation space, don't keep a tiny
    old file format filter? Laws of trade...

    Ossimoro, Jan 5, 2004
  5. Fernando Ronci

    Paul Turvill Guest

    All I can say is that we've been using AutoCAD since R9 (and even have a
    handful of v.2.6 files) and have never had a problem opening files from
    older versions on any release up through 2000i.
    Paul Turvill, Jan 5, 2004
  6. Are there any shape files, hatch patterns, etc. in the drawing that
    somehow reference to an old network hard drive? You could try the
    Audit command as well.

    Kelvin Kundert, Jan 5, 2004
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