
Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Wayne Tiffany, Apr 14, 2004.

  1. Try this, please.

    1. Open a drawing
    2. Insert a view of an assy with more than one instance of some parts.
    3. Select the view
    4. Click the Autoballoon icon
    5. Uncheck "Ignore multiple instances"
    6. Click inside the view

    What I see then is that even though the checkmark is gone, clicking inside
    the view makes the duplicates disappear. If I then recheck & uncheck the
    box, they come back, or if I select another orientation they do the same.

    I have sometimes seen varied results based on whether the view was isometric
    or not. Then for more fun, try selecting more than one view of the same
    assy, and also another assy and try the same things. Quite interesting!
    Then do it more than once on the same view - if the box is unchecked they
    just keep adding. I would expect that, but then unchecking the box doesn't
    get rid of the duplicates either.

    Let me know what you see. If this is common, I will send it in.

    Wayne Tiffany, Apr 14, 2004
  2. Wayne Tiffany

    3d Guest

    I bet you have to filter notes and delete and know that was
    how it was designed to work! A similar function with exploded views...if you
    add a step then take it back out the parts don't want to go back to the
    previous state. collapse and reexplode doesn't work either. I've had to edit
    that particular step clear selections and reapply. Also sometimes it seems
    as if it goes from single to assy setting. Not 100% sure on that didn't have
    time to waste trying to find a rhyme or reason.
    3d, Apr 14, 2004
  3. I have not seen and did a few test but.. one thing they have NEVER
    fixed are balloons properly attaching to component in isometric views,
    exploded iso views are worse!!

    I just luv getting "?" balloons because SW Corp can NEVER fix it!

    Next release promises... add $$$$$$$ to fix!!!!???

    Paul Salvador, Apr 14, 2004
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