autoarxload problem

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Gordon Price, Dec 15, 2004.

  1. Gordon Price

    Gordon Price Guest

    I am trying to add CONVERTLMAN to my menu, and have the ARX and DLL only
    load when the command is used. I also don't want to go to every machine and
    install the full MigrationTools. So, I have copied AcLSConvert.arx and
    AcLSConvertRes.dll to my network support folder, which is in the search
    path. I have then added
    (autoarxload "AcLSConvert" '("CONVERTLS" "CONVERTLMAN"))
    to acaddoc.lsp. Now, when I run CONVERTLMAN the first time, I end up in an
    endless Initializing... loop at the command line. The second time I run it,
    it runs as intended. If I just appload the ARX first it runs right the first
    time, so it seems to me to be an autoarxload problem. Could it be that this
    ARX just won't autoload? Do I need to put the autoarxload line somewhere
    else? I did try one of our standard misc lisp files, with the same results.

    Thanks in advance for any ideas.

    Gordon Price, Dec 15, 2004
  2. Gordon Price

    jlspartz Guest

    I've had that problem with the autoloadarx before. There are several ways to get around it.

    1. This one I don't know about to well if it would work because it depends on the incident:

    (autoarxload "AcLSConvert" '())

    Just take out the commands.

    2. Instead of autoarxload, just write:

    (load "AcLSConvert.arx")

    With this load it will not wait for a command to load it, it will load right when you open the drawing.

    3. What I did was make a acad.rx file and put one line at the top:


    Put this file in the Program Files folder where all the dlls are located and AutoCAD will look through all support folders for the arx with that name and automatically load it when running AutoCAD.

    4. You could write this:

    (defun c:CLS ()
    (load "AcLSConvert.arx")
    (command "convertls")
    (defun c:CLMAN ()
    (load "AcLSConvert.arx")
    (command "convertlman")

    Pick whichever you like. Sounds like you want the 2nd or 3rd option though.

    Can you do me a big favor and post those files on this forum for me? I wanted to just take those files out of the Migration Tools package also, but haven't gotten around to it because for some reason it tells me I can't install the package because I don't have ADT2005 installed, which I DO.


    jlspartz, Dec 17, 2004
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