Auto rotate?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Balbar, Aug 13, 2003.

  1. Balbar

    Balbar Guest

    I have over 2000 dwg files that i converted from an other format file so I
    don't have correct page orientation in this files (Landscape/portrait). When
    i try to plot with the batch plot I get wrong plot in the files that would
    be plotted in portrait. I can't open, change the page setup and resave all
    the files that must be plotted in portrait mode (there are about 1000
    files), there is any script or other solution to auto check the file
    dimension and print according to it (es. width<height -> plot portrait) ?
    Balbar, Aug 13, 2003
  2. If you can work out a way to change the orientation of the drawings using
    the -plot command without the plot dialogue box, you could create a script
    file and then use "ScriptPro" to run the script file on a selection set of
    Just open one of the drawings, use -plot at the command line and see if you
    can redo the plot dialogue.

    The other way is to open one of the drawings in a set, redo the plot
    information from the plot dialogue box and then save a "page setup name".
    Now you should be able to use the batch plot again and assign the page setup
    name to a list of drawings to plot.

    I have never had any real sucess with batch plotting myself but there you

    Dave Alexander
    Dave Alexander, Aug 13, 2003
  3. If the drawings will plot, albeit with the wrong orientation, then all you
    are wasting is paper and the time it takes to trim the plots.
    The alternative of changing the orientation before plotting is much more
    costly in time and effort.

    If the drawings don't plot at all, then that is another matter.

    Will the drawings plot at all? If so or if not what kind of output do you

    Dave Alexander
    Dave Alexander, Aug 13, 2003
  4. Balbar

    Balbar Guest

    The draw is plotted bat smaller or to big for the paper and is plotted only
    the center.
    It's not a waste of paper the problem, the problem is that all this draws
    will be
    binded to form a manual and is not good to have some draw in half paper,
    some in the 70%
    some vertical plotted as orizzontal ecc...
    Balbar, Aug 13, 2003
  5. I don't think that you have much choice.
    Unless you know that size the drawings are, and what the orientation is you
    will have to check them all manually.

    The way I would do it is to try and figure out which drawings are which size
    and which orientation.
    If you have to load each to do this then start loading. As you load a
    drawing, correct the plot settings and plot it. Be sure and save the page
    setup name. Are the drawings in model tab or layout tab? Are the plot scales
    the same?

    Dave Alexander
    Dave Alexander, Aug 13, 2003
  6. Balbar

    Balbar Guest

    The are converted from another CAD (Thinkdesign). I don't know if the are
    model tab or layout tab
    (I don't know Autocad...) but are 2D design.
    I think will be a very long task to open and check/config/save over 2500
    Balbar, Aug 13, 2003
  7. You are right. But, you may have 20 or 30 different types of drawings that
    are set up the same. This means that you only have to identify the different
    groups of drawings that are the same, setup one of each group to plot
    correctly and then you can plot the others of the same type using batch plot
    or run a script file or ?

    You will not know until you start. At the worst, you may end up going
    through 40 or 50 different types requiring different plot setups, but after
    that, you may start encountering the same drawings as you have already setup
    for plotting at which point you can save time.
    Once you have one drawing of a specific sheet size, orientation etc. set
    up, you can apply those settings to others of the same type.

    You have to start somewhere.

    Start loading the drawings and plot them. As you go, a pattern will emerge
    that you can turn into a script file or whatever and start to automate it.
    But you still have to start plotting to even begin automating.

    Dave Alexander
    Dave Alexander, Aug 13, 2003
  8. Balbar

    Balbar Guest

    The problem is that i don't know command for autocad.
    If I know the right command I didn't have problem.
    I need these command:
    1) Open a draw
    2) Check the size (when you set the page setup, it must know the draw size)
    to determinate landscape/portrait
    3) set landscape/portrait format
    4) plot
    5) close draw
    With these command i can make a script that do all the job without
    Balbar, Aug 13, 2003
  9. Now that is a problem. You can learn AutoCAD on your own or take a course.
    I would start with the manual, see how you start by loading a drawing, then
    how to plot a drawing.
    Once you are okay with that, you can move on to automation.

    Post back to the ng with specific questions and as you go.

    Dave Alexander
    Dave Alexander, Aug 13, 2003
  10. Try using our AcroPlot software from to convert them to
    PDF and then you should be able to plot them from Adobe Reader to any
    plotter. The new Reader 6.0 is supposes to handle plotting the different
    sizes to your plotter if it has different trays or rolls for the A3 and A4.

    Rodney McManamy
    AcroPlot - The easy way to convert multiple AutoCAD and Word files to PDF.
    Rodney McManamy - CADzation, Aug 13, 2003
  11. Balbar

    Balbar Guest

    Thank you very much!!
    It does all the thing I need!!
    Balbar, Aug 14, 2003
  12. That's great to hear. Just one more use for our cool program.

    Rodney McManamy
    AcroPlot - The easy way to convert multiple AutoCAD and Word files to PDF.
    Rodney McManamy - CADzation, Aug 14, 2003
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