Auto Orientation Change Not Working

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by NewType, Sep 25, 2007.

  1. NewType

    NewType Guest

    I was wondering if anyone can point out where the user preference or
    user registry is stored for SW2007? For some reason, after clicking the
    view orientation on the lower left corner of the work space, the automatic
    orientation view change stops working. Basically, whenever you want to add
    a new feature, you click on the surface you want to create a sketch, the
    view should change to a normal view to that surface. Then, when you exit
    out from sketch mode, it should return to the pervious view. For some
    reason, this stops working. Since help file didn't help, after uninstalling
    and reinstalling, the problem remains. Any suggestions?
    OK, the only automatic orientation change still works is when you start
    a new file, you first create a extrusion on the datum plane, that automatic
    view changes still works. Please help.

    NewType, Sep 25, 2007
  2. NewType

    PotFlower Guest

    Please 'splain which software other than SW you found this in/ Its not a
    SW function. SW only does it for the first sketch, as you mention. Never
    returns to the previous view.

    You're imagining things. Watch out, someone may accuse you of being drunk.

    PotFlower, Sep 25, 2007
  3. NewType

    SeanMc Guest

    SolidWorks does a lot of things that I've forgoten about, just cause I've
    settled into my own habits, and some things I just don't use/see anymore -
    but yeah, I don't remember this one.
    Played around with Inventor a while back, and I seem to remember it doing
    this (or maybe it was the 3D modeler that came with Surfcam for a year or
    2?). It was one of them, anywho.
    SeanMc, Sep 25, 2007
  4. NewType

    NewType Guest

    Greetings again,
    Really? SW2007 SP2.2 doesn't do that? I've use ProE, UGS, NX4, NX5,
    SolidEdge, and they all do that. In fact, I don't recall one that doesn't.
    I've used pervious version of SW before (about 4~5 years ago), and I don't
    remember that it didn't change view. May be I've always assumed they all

    NewType, Sep 27, 2007
  5. NewType

    Dale Dunn Guest

    If I may jump in: I personally prefer it this way. When SW does change the
    view orientation, I rarely like it. When I do want to change the view
    normal to the sketch, the normal view tool will do it. Click on normal view
    in one of the palces it appears by default, or hit ctrl-8 after opening the
    sketch and before you select anything else.

    An enhancement request to add this as an option for those who would like it
    might be a good idea.
    Dale Dunn, Sep 27, 2007
  6. NewType

    takedown Guest

    I'm with NT. I go back and forth between ProE and SW, so I always end
    up tweaking my settings and customizing macros to make them work
    similarly. That way I'm not losing productivity trying to remember
    which hotkey goes with which program. That's also why I replaced the
    original Extruded/Revolved Boss/Cut buttons with macros that
    automatically make the view normal to the sketch.
    takedown, Sep 28, 2007
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