Auto Load Lisp Routines?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Jeff Clark, Mar 4, 2004.

  1. Jeff Clark

    Jeff Clark Guest

    A co-worker asked me:
    "how do you load the lisp routines so that they always get loaded every time
    you open autocad?"

    Personally, I have always done it through an ACAD.lsp file.
    But for users with little or no Lisp experience, what OTHER methods are

    Jeff Clark, Mar 4, 2004
  2. Jeff Clark

    BillZ Guest

    My guys just load them on a button. Easy to learn.

    ^C^C(load "blahblah") blahblah

    BillZ, Mar 4, 2004
  3. Jeff Clark

    AHILL Guest

    perhaps, out of the goodness of your heart, you could add the appropriate code to this persons acad.lsp file. This approach has placed me on many of my coworkers christmas list!
    AHILL, Mar 4, 2004
  4. Jeff Clark

    Tom Smith Guest

    A co-worker asked me:

    Startup suite works without programming.

    Larger question: why not standardize the autoloading files for everyone?
    Usually if one person "needs" a different function, it's because they're
    either doing something in a nonstandard way (a separate issue that might
    need to be addressed), or they're doing something more efficiently (which
    should be shared with others).

    Having discussions toward standardizing the lisp loading will usually result
    in people swapping tips and tricks, always a good thing. There's still room
    for personal preference. If Joe's computer autoloads a routine that he
    doesn't ever use, no harm is done.
    Tom Smith, Mar 4, 2004
  5. Jeff Clark

    naujoke Guest

    Any Lisp file you can load on startup: Tools --> Load Application -->
    Startup Suite Contents.

    naujoke, Mar 4, 2004
  6. Jeff Clark

    Tom Berger Guest

    If your LISP functions make use of a custom toolbar, I would suggest
    to create a MNU file for that and load the LISP via a MNL file. In
    that case the LISP is always avaliable, when the menu is available.

    Tom Berger
    Tom Berger, Mar 4, 2004
  7. Jeff Clark

    Jeff Clark Guest

    Thanks to all for responding. You all make good points.
    I think for now I'll let them do it through the Startup Suite, then after I
    get a feel for what they use, I'll standardize it.
    Thanks again,
    Jeff Clark, Mar 4, 2004
  8. In addition to possibility of using the ACADwhatever.LSP file, look into the
    use of the .MNL file named the same as the menu file.
    Kent Cooper

    Kent Cooper, AIA, Mar 4, 2004
  9. Jeff Clark

    Adesu Guest

    Hi naujoke,you are right,I was tested it.

    Adesu, Sep 27, 2004
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