Auto-generating schematics using SKILL

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by NigelD, Feb 22, 2006.

  1. NigelD

    NigelD Guest


    I'm a grad student and have used Cadence before, but I'm pretty new to
    using SKILL. I'd appreciate any help I can get with the following

    I'm trying to auto-generate schematics in Virtuoso and I can not figure
    out how to actually draw a wire. I've used dbCreateNet and
    dbCreateConnByName to create a net and connect terminals to that net.
    However, I would also like to somehow draw the wire connection using
    SKILL. Normally you would do Add->Wire and click on the terminals you
    wanted to connect if using the graphical editor. Is there a SKILL
    function that will do the equivalent?

    NigelD, Feb 22, 2006
  2. NigelD

    John Gianni Guest

    Others can answer the specific question you posed; I'll take the more
    general approach by referring listeners to the existing schematic
    generation capability within the later versions of the Cadence Virtuoso
    schematic editor. That is, IIRC, given a Spice, Spectre, CDL, or
    Verilog HDL text netlist, the Cadence schematic generator will generate
    the complete schematic, including wire routing between instances. Of
    course, EDIF would do it also.

    Hope this gives you another avenue to resolve the need to generate
    As I said, others can answer for the specific SKILL functions

    John Gianni
    -- Nothing stated by me on the USENET is prior reviewed by my employer!
    John Gianni, Feb 23, 2006
  3. schCreateWire()

    You'll find the sch.* functions an easier way of doing this than having to
    create all the nets and shapes yourself.

    Search in cdsdoc - there's a whole manual on the Composer SKILL functions. For
    the cdsdoc-challenged, it's in <instdir>/doc/skcompref/skcompref.pdf


    Andrew Beckett, Feb 23, 2006
  4. NigelD

    NigelD Guest

    Thanks for tip on the schematic generator. I'm using CDL In but how do
    you specify lengths and widths for transistors? The transistors I'm
    using are from a design kit and are in their own library, so in the CDL
    netlist I specified them as subcircuits (i.e. XPMPASS vdd g vddv<0> vdd
    pmos2v l=0.36e-6 w=2e-6) and put the reference library as the library
    in which pmos2v is located. If I had made it MPMPASS then CDL in tries
    to create a mos4 symbol and has problems doing it, so I have to make it
    a subcircuit to get it to generate the schematic. But it doesn't do
    anything with W and L. pmos2v is a parameterized cell, is there any way
    of specifying the parameters in the CDL netlist?

    NigelD, Feb 23, 2006
  5. Bernd Fischer, Feb 24, 2006
  6. NigelD

    NigelD Guest

    Being a grad student, I unfortunately do not have access to SourceLink,
    and I don't think the admins here will give me the necessary info to
    get a SourceLink account :(. Is there anyway you might be able to post
    those pages here?

    NigelD, Feb 24, 2006
  7. NigelD

    DReynolds Guest

    Nigel, one way that I have used in the past is to leave the transistors
    in the cdl as primitives, run cdlIn and then do a swap for the pfet to
    pmos2v. This has the advantage of bringing in all the w,l info but it
    can get a bit tricky if you have lots of different kinds of transistors
    in your schematic.

    DReynolds, Feb 27, 2006
  8. NigelD

    John Gianni Guest

    The question came up as to WHICH versions of DFII Virtuoso schematic
    editor support Spice, Spectre & CDL human-readable schematic

    Schematic generation from EDIF, CDL, & Verilog capability exists today
    - while the schematic generation from Spice & Spectre netlists or a mix
    thereof is the subject of Cadence enhancement product change request
    #657762 which has been added to the latestVirtuoso IC61 release
    currently under beta testing.

    John Gianni
    -- Nothing posted by me here is prior reviewed nor sanctioned by my
    John Gianni, Mar 15, 2006
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