AuoCAD 2004 machine won't contact FlexLM serever

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Drew Burgasser, Dec 15, 2004.

  1. Here's a post from October regarding 1.5.-16:

    I found the problem to be caused by Spyware that corrupted the TCP/IP stack.
    I first ran Ad-Aware, which made TCP/IP networking unavailable. Then I
    reset the TCP/IP stack using the directions found here:;en-us;817571
    MS knowledge base article 817571.
    Drew Burgasser, Dec 15, 2004
  2. Drew,

    Thankyou very much I was able to recity the problem in about 15 minutes.

    Just for intrests sake I am curios of your place of origin eg I assume that
    you are located some where in the western part of the world (probably the
    US) judging by the time difference. I am loctaed in Darwin, that's Autralia
    by the way and good local help can be a bit hard if not impossible to find.
    This experience would be an excellent piece of amunition if ever someone
    told me I should use this medium for help, or even if I was asked about the
    pros and cons of discussion groups.


    Daniel Bennett, Dec 16, 2004
  3. Hi Daniel,

    We're located just outside of San Francisco, California.

    These discussion groups indeed are an indispensable tool for troubleshooting
    Autodesk products.

    Cadapps seems to be a pretty good reseller in Australia:
    They're only a couple thousand miles away. :)

    Drew Burgasser
    Drew Burgasser, Dec 16, 2004
  4. Sorry for the rant below it is an extract of an email I sent to another

    Please find attached 4 off Jpegs of the error that appears. Number 4 is the
    error that would normally appear if the machine failed to obtain a license.

    There were licenses available athe time as we had kicked off 2 users so
    there is only 7 of 9 licenses in use, to make sure the FlexLM server was
    restarted as well.

    We can successfully ping the Flex LM server by IP and Name and have accessed
    files on that server directly with the machine.

    I have done a reinstall, re-entered the hosts files and rebooted the machine
    and Flex LM server, I have also copied the License.LIC file from another
    machine. I have also setup a fresh profile on the machine to see if it was
    profile related, but still no change.

    The last time ACAD was used on this machine may have been 2 weeks ago.

    Any thoughts towards a solution would be great.

    Background information for others, this machine had successfully run AutoCAD
    for a while, there has been no hardware changes made. To the best of my
    knowledge there has been no software changes either, but obviously this
    dosen't work for a reason. Hardware configeration is below.

    File Server:
    Win NT - supports about 40 machines - 20 or so activley using AutoCAD, no
    problems with other machines or in the past. It is due for decomission next
    year but I don't belive there is any problems here.

    FlexLM Server:
    Old P2 166 machine. Has been used for the last two years in this role.
    Continues to serve other mnachines.

    Desktop PC:
    One of 6 identical machine that work.
    P4 2.5 GHz, 512MB, 40 GB HDD, 64MB Graphics card, IBM Intel Pro1000 network
    Windows XP SP1 (one of the few machines in the office that don't have SP2
    (all of which work))


    Daniel Bennett
    Daniel Bennett, Dec 16, 2004
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