
Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Jan van de Poel, Oct 28, 2004.

  1. Hi,
    some mor.n spreaded tons of blocks through the drawing all containing
    Now the value need to be changed.
    The attribute has a preset value, in the drawing there it contains another
    Preset value 100x100x10
    Drawing value 150x100x10
    Needs to be in the drawing 100x100x10

    Battman does not work.
    Attsync only mirrors the attribs.

    How can i get these attribs updated correctly?

    Jan van de Poel, Oct 28, 2004
  2. Ok, found it.
    Is in express tools, global attribute editor, this works.

    Jan van de Poel, Oct 28, 2004
  3. Jan van de Poel

    OLD-CADaver Guest

    The express tool fr global attribute editting is slick, but you can do it with plain AutoCAD as well.

    Command: -attedit
    Edit attributes one at a time? [Yes/No] <Y>: N

    Performing global editing of attribute values.
    Edit only attributes visible on screen? [Yes/No] <Y>: N

    Drawing must be regenerated afterwards.
    Enter block name specification <*>: "press enter or keyin block name"

    Enter attribute tag specification <*>:"press enter or keyin tag name"

    Enter attribute value specification <*>:"press enter or keyin existing value"

    Enter string to change: "enter what you're looking for"
    Enter new string: "enter what it should be"
    OLD-CADaver, Oct 28, 2004
  4. You're right, this does the same trick.
    The command responds a little different however.
    If you type attedit the respond is ' select a block reference' it than
    comes up with the attribute edit dialogue.
    If you type -attedit the command responds exactly as you wrote it.
    F.I., if i type 'layer' or '-layer' ig get basically the same options, one
    time as a command line the other one as a dialogue.
    Weird that this does not happen with attedit.
    Maybe it's time for autodesk to correct this kind of differences. (we're
    running 2002, it might be corrected in 2005).

    Thanks, still never to old to learn. (49)

    Jan van de Poel, Oct 29, 2004
  5. Jan van de Poel

    OLD-CADaver Guest

    <<Weird that this does not happen with attedit.
    Maybe it's time for autodesk to correct this kind of differences. >>

    ummm... no correction necessary... it functions exactly like the layer command. With the dash it is the command line function, without the dialog version..
    OLD-CADaver, Oct 29, 2004
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