Attribute to x,y location from Text

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by John Coon, Jan 25, 2005.

  1. John Coon

    John Coon Guest

    Hi group,
    I need some help with insertion of attributes. I have a attribute block
    named "litetag" that is already in the drawing and I am trying to insert the
    block at the text insertion point of text that is in the drawing and
    populate the attribute text with the value from the text.
    The routine does all those functions but I have to use insert at 0,0 for the
    attributes block to display in the drawing. also the attributes come in as
    one WHOLE block and not separate blocks.

    what I was attempting to do was insert the attribute block as a single block
    at each text location from the x,y location of text in a drawing with the
    text value.

    I created the attribute block at 0,0
    It sound simple but I'm stuck. help!

    any help or comments are appreciated.

    Have a great day
    John Coon

    Option Explicit
    Public Sub TextToATTS()
    Dim obj As AcadEntity
    Dim objText As AcadText
    Dim Textrot As String
    Dim Textvalue As String
    Dim dWidth As Double
    Dim dHeight As Double
    Dim dPt1(0 To 2) As Double
    Dim aBlk As AcadBlock
    Dim aAtt As AcadAttribute
    Dim sBlkName As String
    Dim tag As String
    Dim value As String
    dWidth = 10
    dHeight = 6

    sBlkName = "LiteTag"
    Set aBlk = ThisDrawing.Blocks.Add(dPt1, sBlkName)

    For Each obj In ThisDrawing.ModelSpace
    If TypeOf obj Is AcadText Then
    Set objText = obj
    Textrot = objText.Rotation
    Textvalue = objText.TextString

    ' Create the attribute definition object in model space
    ' Set aAtt = aBlk.AddAttribute(Height, Mode, Prompt, InsertionPoint, tag,
    Set aAtt = aBlk.AddAttribute(6#, acAttributeModeNormal, "Textvalue", dPt1,
    "LiteTag", Textvalue)
    aAtt.Alignment = acAlignmentTopLeft
    aAtt.TextAlignmentPoint = dPt1

    End If
    Next obj

    End Sub
    John Coon, Jan 25, 2005
  2. John Coon

    Jeff Mishler Guest

    Hi John,
    You want to INSERT a block at each Text were recreating the
    Block Definition each time......
    Try this:

    Public Sub TextToATTS()
    Dim obj As AcadEntity
    Dim objText As AcadText
    Dim Textrot As String
    Dim Textvalue As String
    Dim dWidth As Double
    Dim dHeight As Double
    Dim dPt1 As Variant
    Dim vPt(0 To 2) As Double
    Dim aBlk As AcadBlock
    Dim oBlock As AcadBlockReference
    Dim aAtt As AcadAttribute
    Dim vAtts
    Dim oAttribute As AcadAttributeReference
    Dim sBlkName As String
    Dim tag As String
    Dim value As String
    dWidth = 10
    dHeight = 6

    dPt1 = vPt
    sBlkName = "LiteTag"
    On Error Resume Next
    Set aBlk = ThisDrawing.Blocks.Item(sBlkName)
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    Set aBlk = ThisDrawing.Blocks.Add(dPt1, sBlkName)
    Set aAtt = aBlk.AddAttribute(6#, acAttributeModeNormal, "Textvalue",
    dPt1, "LiteTag", "-")
    End If
    On Error GoTo 0
    For Each obj In ThisDrawing.ModelSpace
    If TypeOf obj Is AcadText Then
    Set objText = obj
    Textrot = objText.Rotation
    Textvalue = objText.TextString
    dPt1 = objText.InsertionPoint
    Set oBlock = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.InsertBlock(dPt1, sBlkName,
    1#, 1#, 1#, 0#)
    vAtts = oBlock.GetAttributes
    Set oAttribute = vAtts(0) 'Can do this since we used only 1 att.
    in the block def.
    oAttribute.TextString = Textvalue
    oAttribute.Rotation = Textrot
    oAttribute.Alignment = objText.Alignment
    If Not objText.Alignment = acAlignmentLeft Then
    oAttribute.TextAlignmentPoint = objText.TextAlignmentPoint
    End If
    oAttribute.Layer = objText.Layer
    oAttribute.Height = objText.Height
    oAttribute.StyleName = objText.StyleName
    End If
    Next obj

    End Sub
    Jeff Mishler, Jan 25, 2005
  3. John Coon

    john coon Guest


    As always thank you for your help.
    I'll step thru your edited version to see were I went wrong.
    dPt1, "LiteTag", "-")
    the "-" set the default and the LiteTag is the tag name & Textvalue is the
    prompt field.

    So I was setting the block in the loop. I see now, Move it outside/ahead of
    the loop.

    It's always informative when I post here. Thanks

    Thanks and have a great day.
    John Coon
    john coon, Jan 25, 2005
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