Attribute Extraction & Xreferences

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by tracihabergham, Nov 22, 2004.

  1. Hi There,

    Please can somebody help me. I've created a lisp routine which extracts information from a block attributes (name and area) into a text file. This has just started picking up information from the xreference drawings as certain blocks have the same attribute names. Is there anyway of just exporting the data from the opened drawing and not the xreference. If not, is there an easy way of turning off the xref in a lisp file and then turning it back on at the end bearing in mind that we don't have the xref'ed drawing name as it varies from drawing to drawing.

    I've also tried changing the extract file BL:NAME but do not know how to specify an actual block name!

    Hope you understand what I'm prattling on about. Any help would be much appreciated.

    Thank you

    tracihabergham, Nov 22, 2004
  2. tracihabergham

    Dann Guest

    Not sure how you are writing the data to the file or getting the data from
    the blocks but
    you can check if the "Object" is an xref by checking if it has a path

    (if (vlax-property-available-p obj 'path)
    (princ "xref")
    (princ "Not Xref"))

    Not sure if this will help you at all, you may need to post your code so we
    can see what you are
    trying to accomplish.
    Dann, Nov 22, 2004
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