attribut -> coordinate

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Damien, Nov 18, 2005.

  1. Damien

    Damien Guest


    I have received a dwg file (using LT2005), in which Z coordinate of
    objects are not in the coordinate but in the attribute.
    Therefore, the object isn't placed on the proper z coordinate, but at 0.
    Anyone know how to fill the z coordinate of each object with the value
    displayed in the attribute elevation field?

    Thanks a lot

    Damien, Nov 18, 2005
  2. Damien

    Damien Guest

    guess no one knows how to...
    Damien, Nov 22, 2005
  3. Damien

    Happy Trails Guest

    You did not say what version of acad you have, but I have used the
    attribute extraction tool in 2005 to create a text file of points with
    x,y and z co-ords written as northing, easting & elevation. I do not
    know if this works for lines as well as points, and I am a Terramodel
    expert, not acad.

    After getting my text file I import this into Tm and create the 3D
    objects that I need there, like surfaces etc.

    Happy Trails To You
    Happy Trails, Nov 23, 2005
  4. Damien

    Damien Guest


    I am using autocad 2005LT.
    The dwg file I received is having attributes informations, and, the what
    I am interrested in is the elevation.
    The drawing is only the surface of the roof of buildings (a whole town),
    and I want to import that in max7, so that I only have then to extrude
    the surface -50m in z, let's say, so that the volumes go under the
    ground, and that would be just good enough for mains of the buildings.
    Some I have to texture, therefore I would have to lower them right to
    the surface, but this is another story and no problem here.
    Thanks for any comments on how to, but I will check this extration tool,
    hoping it is included in LT.
    Damien, Nov 23, 2005
  5. Damien

    mark Guest

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